Prof. Henry Potts

Curriculum Vitae

Contact details - Employment history - Education - Publications & presentations - Grants awarded
Teaching - Other interests

Contact details:

UCL Institute of Health Informatics,
222 Euston Road,
London, NW1 2DA.

e-mail: h.potts[at]
web: UCL Profile

Education & professional qualifications:

Postgraduate Certificate in Learning Technologies (Oct 2006-2009), Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching, UCL

Chartered Statistician (Nov 2005), Royal Statistical Society

MSc in Applied Statistics (Oct 1995-Sep 1996), Department of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford (Somerville College)
Project: "Bootstrapping multidimensional scaling output."
Assessed practical work: α
Paper I (Principles of Statistical Analysis): β
Paper II (Further Statistical Methodology, including Medical Statistics Option): α

PhD (Oct 1992-Oct 1999), Department of Psychology / ICRF Health Behaviour Unit, Institute of Psychiatry (King's College, London, University of London)
Thesis: "Human food rejections."

2:1 BA (Hons.), Natural Sciences (Oct 1988-Jul 1991), University of Cambridge (Girton College)
Part 2 (2:1): Psychology
    Project (1st): "Interpretation of ambiguous information related to threat in anxiety"
Part IB (1st - Senior Scholar): Experimental Psychology, Molecular and Cell Biology, Animal Biology
Part IA (1st - Exhibitioner): Biology of Organisms, Biology of Cells, Physics, Maths

Driving licence (1994, full and clean)
Japanese Language Proficiency Test, Level 4 (1992)
Certificate in Venepuncture (Whittington Hospital, 1989)
A-levels: Biology, Physics, Maths, Further Maths – all As (1988)
O/AO-levels: eleven (1985/6), including French (A) and English Language (A)


Professor, UCL Institute of Health Informatics (2020-  )

Associate Professor, UCL Institute of Health Informatics (2018-20)

Senior Lecturer in Health Informatics, Centre for Health Informatics & Multiprofessional Education, UCL (2010-8)

Lecturer in Graduate Programmes (Health Informatics and Risk Management), Centre for Health Informatics & Multiprofessional Education, University College London Medical School, UCL (2004-10; contract work 2003-4)

Research psychologist (2002-2003)/medical statistician (2000-2004), Cancer Research UK London Psychosocial Group, Institute of Psychiatry/Guy's, King's & St Thomas' School of Medicine, King's College, London

Research fellow, Knowledge Management Centre, School of Public Policy, University College London (1999-2002)

I was working on the development of Design-a-Trial, a decision-support system to aid in the design of high quality randomised controlled trials, both from the perspective of the human 'expert' on trial design as a statistician, and on human-computer interface issues as a psychologist. I also provided statistical support for other projects in the centre.
Medical statistician, ICRF Medical Statistics Group, Centre for Statistics in Medicine (1997-9)
I worked mainly in a consultancy role to ICRF research units round the country. My work covered a wide variety of disciplines, from pathology to psychology. I also taught statistics to various groups and carried out some statistical research of my own.
Honorary research assistant, Health Behaviour Unit, UCL (1996-7)
Individual statistics tutoring for social sciences postgraduate students (1995-1996)
Voluntary work in Camden Council hostel for the mentally ill (1991-1992)
Pharmacist's shop assistant, London (various periods in 1990-1992, 1997)
GP receptionist, London (various periods in 1990-1992)
Shop assistant, Grapevine radical bookshop co-operative, Cambridge (1991)

Grants, awards &c.:

Medical Research Council/Innovate UK/Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency/Office for Life Sciences (2025-6): Spinelli G, Tucker A, Colecchia F, Zebin T, Potts H, Bondaronek P, Bolotov A, Volpi E, Chiribiri A, El-Osta A, Neves A, Burgess L, Shehu J, Webster R, McKimm A, Avital L. RADIANT: Regulatory science empowering innovation in transformative digital health and AI. £999,790. - UKRI announcement; Brunel University announcement; LinkedIn page

Innovate UK (2024): Bolotov A, Burgess L, Volpi E, Kenyon J, El-Osta A, Luisa Neves A, Spinelli G, Prevo R, Tucker A, Wallace P, Potts H, Bolderstone L, Chiribiri A, McCallum C. RADIANT: Regulatory science empowering innovation in transformative medical software and AI (discovery phase). £49,932.

UK Health Security Agency (2023-4): Potts HWW, Ramasawmy M, Sunkersing D, Shallcross L. Observational longitudinal study of impact on acute and specialist hospitals of SARS-CoV-2 routine asymptomatic testing. £128,775.

University of Toronto/University College London Joint Call for Collaborative Projects in the Emerging Global Talents (2023-4): Pham Q, Garnett C, Brown J, Oldham M, Kale D, Leppin C, Dinu L, Potts H, Cafazzo J, Seto E, Pfisterer K, Saha S, Barbaric A, Xiong T. The value of real-world data and evidence for digital therapeutics. £10,000 + CAN$15,000 (total £19,027).

UCL Cities Partnership Programme (2022-3): Bezemer J, Potts H, Taylor P, Zappa P, Viney R, Burns A, Harniess P, Crespin R, Morize N, Moyal A, Bergeron H, Castel P, Nouguez E, Hénaut L. The future of work in healthcare: Towards a research agenda. £3,900.

National Institute of Health Research (2022-7): Hemingway H, Shallcross L, Rees G, Asselbergs F, Shah A, Denaxas S, Wu H, Dobson R, Hetherington J, Harris S, Swanepoel N, Gaskin G, Wong WK, White M, Zhu L, Wood N, Lumbers T, Lai A, Sydes M, Banerjee A, Lorencattois F, Potts H, Taylor P. UCLH NIHR BRC Computational Medicine theme. £3 million. (Total UCLH BRC funding: £90.2 million.)

National Institute of Health Research (2022-3): Smith LE, May T, Rubin GJ, Yardley L, Potts H, Brainard J, Denford S, Folkard K, Amlôt R, Oliver I, Horwood J. Monkeypox: Investigating public perceptions, understanding, and behaviours. £119,410.

University of Leicester ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (2021-2): Pareek M, Poduval S, Woolf K, Potts H, Nellums L, Yeoman A, Kazembe S, Bryant L, Garwood C. Co-production and evaluation of a brief low-cost online intervention to reduce SARS-CoV-2 vaccine hesitancy in UK healthcare workers from diverse ethnic groups. £10,000.

UCL Knowledge exchange and innovation funding (2021-2): Ledger J, Potts H, Health Innovation Network, DigitalHealth.London, NIHR Research Design Service London, ZINC, BMJ Innovations, King's College London. Creating a partnership for the establishment of a National Digital Health Evidence Generator Hub: an innovation network proposal. £42,709 (including matched funding from King's College London).

UCL Institute of Mental Health (2020-1): Handscomb L, Gould R, Meyer C, Potts H, Cooper H. An exploration of how older people with hearing loss use videoconferencing technology to mitigate the effects of social isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic. £7,905. - Announcement

National Institute for Health Research (2020-2): Rubin J, Amlôt R, Fear N, Potts H, Michie S. Evaluating and improving communication with the public during a pandemic. (Re-activation of 2012-3 project and additional extensions.) £85,157.

Canadian Institute of Health Research (2020-1): Bender J, Bradley H, Cyr A, Esplen MJ, Forster V, Gothard-Huang A, Moody L, Wassersug R, Young C, Ivers N, Papadakos J, Perksi O, Potts H, Soobiah C, Tricco A, Witteman H, Wong G. Establishing best practices in online cancer support groups: A realist review. Can$100,000 (£57,321).

National Institute for Health Research (2020-3): Banerjee A, Khunti K, Bhala N, Blandford A, Potts H, Stevenson F, Murray E, Gill P, Hanif W, Patel K, Kar P, Patel M, Ullah A, Modha S. Digital interventions for cardiometabolic disease in South Asians - a case study for opportunities, risks and inequalities in digital health. £698,187.

UCL Knowledge exchange and innovation funding (2019-20): Potts H, Ledger J. Generating quality evidence for digital health – a collaborative cross sectoral initiative. £14,736.

NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (2019): Potts HWW, Taylor P. Input to the Informatics Career Pathways project. £1,750.

MRC Hubs for Trial Methodology Research Network (2019): Bell L, Garnett C, Perski O, Potts H, West R, Williamson E. Stratified micro-randomised trial to enhance engagement in the Drink Less mobile phone application. £2,500.

Yorkshire Cancer Research (2019-22; extended to 2025): Fisher A, Roberts A, Potts H, Beeken R, Greenfield D, Lally P, Mesiri P, Latimer N, Thomas C, Smith L, Gath J. APPROACH: Using a mobile application to promote physical activity after cancer. £947,879.74 (£168,001 for pilot; £452,417 preliminarily agreed in 2019; extension to 2025 and phase 2 funding confirmed at £779,878.74 in 2022). - Website

NIHR CDRF fellowship (2018-21): Edge C, with Potts H, Hunter R. Using telemedicine to improve access, cost, and quality of secondary care for people in prison: feasibility study. £441,784.

NHS England (2017-21): Williams R, Cresswell K, Franklin BD, Mason K, Lane W, Sheikh A, Smith A, Bates D, Mozaffar H, Potts H, Stoddart H, Coleman J, Watson N. Knowledge and evaluation of the Global Digital Exemplar Programme. £1,599,946.

MRC (2018-9): Fisher A, Steptoe A, Potts H, Newby K, Smith L. V-Engage - Using Virtual Reality exergaming to engage adolescents with physical activity. £149,201. (Industry partnership total value: £220,000.)

UCL Grand Challenges (2017-8): George J, Olhede S, Potts HWW, Wolfe P. Algorithms and fairness: What are the limits of predictive algorithms in public policy? £4,000.

NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research Programme (2016-9): Porter A, Morrison Z, Potts H, Siriwardena N, Snooks H, Dale J, Lyons R, Mason S, Wells B. ERA – Electronic Records in Ambulances to support the shift to out of hospital care: Challenges, opportunities and workforce implications. £380,318. - Award details

Whittington Health (2016-7): Potts HWW, Bark P. Support for Health Foundation evaluation. £14,000.

Nominet Trust (2014-6): £100,000.

Alan Turing Institute Interim Programme – Research in Small Groups (2016): Wolters M, Potts H, Stawarz K, Boynton P. Data entry habits and missing data.

myownteam (2016): Potts H, Barker C, Osovskaya I. Consultancy. £5,000.

i-sense (EPSRC IRC in Early-Warning Sensing Systems for Infectious Diseases) exploratory project (2014-5): Edmunds J, Fragaszy E, Hayward A, Paolotti D, Pebody R, Green H, Cox I, Kostkova P, Potts H, Blandford A, Donati M. Digital health detection of influenza in the community. £90,432.

Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) (2014-7): Newman M, Griffin A, Park S, Jones M, Khan N, Potts H, Anagnostelis B. London Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME) International Collaborating Centre (BICC).

Named contributor on... National Institute for Health Research & partners (2014-9): UCL, Queen Mary University of London, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London School of Economics, Institute of Education, University of East London, UCL Partners, London Deanery et al. NIHR CLAHRC North Thames. £9,000,000 (NIHR) + £954,000 (partners) + £34.4 million (partners 'in kind').

Department of Health Policy Research Programme (2013-5): Amlôt R, Rubin GJ, White P, Yardley L, Michie S, Briggs P, Harris P (with Jones E, Potts H, Petts J, Little P, Roderick P as named staff). Improving communication with the public about antivirals and vaccination during the next pandemic. £506,878.

National Institute for Health Research (2012-3): Rubin J, Amlôt R, Fear N, Potts H, Michie S. Evaluating and improving communication with the public during a pandemic, using rapid turn around telephone surveys. £168,671. Re-activated in 2020.

The Health Foundation (2011-2): Reid A, Graham L, Barnard M, Potts H, Noble L, Mulnier H, Forbes A. Co-creating Health (CCH) Phase 2: Joint Local Evaluation Plan for Whittington Health and Guy's & St Thomas' Hospital. £40,000.

National Institute for Health Research (2009-10): Michie S, Potts H. Public responses to swine flu communications: A longitudinal analysis. £53,618. (Media reports)

UCL CALT Secondment (2008): Potts H, Barnard M, Jenkins C, Mavroskoufis J, Hughes J, Peacock A. Supporting continuing learning by the expert diabetic patient through online resources. £1,895.

NHS Service Delivery & Organisation (2006-9): Potts H, Keen J, Nicholls J, Patterson D, Blandford A, Martin C. In-depth study of three e-Health approaches to the enhancement of clinical care and its delivery. £299,970.

New South Wales Health (2006-9): Bate P, Robert G, Potts H. Evaluation services for the NSW Clinical Services Redesign Program. Aus$360,000 (£150,000). (CHIME news story)

Cancer Research UK (2004-5): Ramirez A, Bish A, Burgess C, Potts H, Hunter M. Reducing delayed presentation in older women with breast cancer: evaluating an intervention, approx. £1,500,000 (2004-9). Graham J, Manley C, Ramirez A, Potts H. Improving the quality of working lives of clinicians delivering cancer care: Does involvement with Department of Health initiatives designed to improve patient care also improve the quality of working lives of doctors? approx. £500,000 (2004-9). Joint total confirmed funding for 2004-5: £205,144.

NHS Direct Online research and evaluation partner (2003): Wyatt J, Wright P, Potts H. Research, evaluation, assessment & strategy for online (REASON).

Guy's & St Thomas' Charitable Foundation Research & Development Awards (2002-3): Ramirez A, Potts H. Can interaction on the internet provide useful social support for UK cancer patients? £26,450.

Publications and presentations:

Google Scholar gives my h-index as 52 (Feb 2025).

Refereed journal articles and conference proceedings:
Ramasawmy M, Sunkersing D, Poole L, Blandford A, Gill P, Khunti K, Modha SH, Patel K, Potts HWW, Sajid M, Khan N, Banerjee A (in press). Healthcare professionals' attitudes towards digital health interventions and perspectives on digital health inequalities in cardiometabolic care: A qualitative study. BMJ Open. - Preprint

Osovskaya I, Blandford A, Potts HWW (2025). A systematic review of the effect of personal health records on patient activation. Digital Health, 11. doi: 10.1177/20552076251315295 - Full text

Bondaronek P, Li J, Potts HWW (2025). Public understanding and expectations of digital health evidence generation: Focus group study. JMIR Formative Research, 9, e56523. doi: 10.2196/56523 - Full text

McCarthy H, Potts H, Fisher A (2024). Tracked physical activity levels before and after a change in incentive strategy among UK adults using a rewards app: Retrospective quasi-experimental study. JMIR Formative Research, 8, e50041. doi: 10.2196/50041 (Altmetric score 3) - Full text

Rubin GJ, Smith LE, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S (2024). The changing nature of worry about COVID-19 among the English public: A secondary analysis of 73 national, cross-sectional surveys, January 2020 to April 2022. BMJ Open, 14, e088027. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-088027 - Full text

Farič N, Potts HWW, Heilman JM (2024). Quality of male and female medical content on English-language Wikipedia: Quantitative content analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26, e47562. doi: 10.2196/47562 (Altmetric score 7) - Full text
Correction: Farič N, Potts HW, Heilman JM (2024). Correction: Quality of male and female medical content on English-language Wikipedia: Quantitative content analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26, e66590. doi: 10.2196/66590 - Full text
Armitage BT, Potts HWW, Irwin MR, Fisher A (2024). Exploring the impact of a sleep app on sleep quality in a general population sample: Pilot randomized controlled trial. JMIR Formative Research, 8, e39554. doi: 10.2196/39554 (Google Scholar 1 citation) - Full text

Hall CE, Brooks SK, Potts HWW, Greenberg N, Weston D (2024). Rates of, and factors associated with, common mental disorders in homeworking UK Government response employees' during COVID-19: A cross-sectional survey and secondary data analysis. BMC Psychology, 12, 429. doi: 10.1186/s40359-024-01921-4 (Altmetric score 7) (Google Scholar 1 citation)Full text

Thomas PC, Curtis K, Potts HWW, Bark P, Perowne R, Rookes T, Rowe S (2024). Behaviour change techniques within digital interventions for the treatment of eating disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. JMIR Mental Health, 11, e57577. doi: 10.2196/57577 (Altmetric score 6) - Full text

Prentice C, Peven K, Zhaunova L, Nayak V, Radovic T, Klepchukova A, Potts HWW, Ponzo S (2024). Methods for evaluating the efficacy and effectiveness of direct-to-consumer mobile health apps: A scoping review. BMC Digital Health, 2, 31. doi: 10.1186/s44247-024-00092-x (Altmetric score 3) - Full text

Lally PJ, Kennedy F, Smith S, Beeken R, Buck C, Thomas C, Counsell N, Wyld L, Martin C, Williams S, Roberts A, Greenfield D, Gath J, Potts H, Latimer N, Smith L, Fisher A (2024). The feasibility and acceptability of an app-based intervention with brief behavioural support (APPROACH) to promote brisk walking in people diagnosed with breast, prostate, and colorectal cancer in the UK. Cancer Medicine, 13(6), e7124. doi: 10.1002/cam4.7124 (Altmetric score 15) (Google Scholar 2 citations) - Full text

Smith LE, West R, Potts HWW, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Rubin GJ, Michie S (2024). Factors associated with wearing a facemask in shops in England following removal of a legal requirement to do so during the COVID-19 pandemic. British Journal of Health Psychology, 29(1), 3-19. doi: 10.1111/bjhp.12684 (Altmetric score 23) (2021 journal impact factor 8.1) (Google Scholar 1 citation) - Full text

Smith LE, Potts HWW, Brainard J, May T, Oliver I, Amlôt R, Yardley L, Rubin GJ (2023). Did mpox knowledge, attitudes and beliefs affect intended behaviour in the general population and men who are gay, bisexual and who have sex with men? An online cross-sectional survey in the UK. BMJ Open, 13, e070882. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-070882 (Altmetric score 23) (media coverage) (Google Scholar 9 citations + 10 citations for preprint) - Full text

Brainard J, Smith LE, Potts HWW, Rubin GJ (2023). The relationship between age and sex partner counts during the mpox outbreak in the UK, 2022. PLOS One, 18(9), e0291001. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0291001 (Altmetric score 1341) (media coverage) (Google Scholar 5 citations) - Full text

Pham Q, Wong D, Pfisterer KJ, Aleman D, Bansback N, Cafazzo JA, Casson AJ, Chan B, Dixon W, Kakaroumpas G, Lindner C, Peek N, Potts HWW, Ribeiro B, Seto E, Stockton-Powdrell C, Thompson A, van der Veer S (2023). The complexity of transferring remote monitoring and virtual care technology between countries: Lessons from an international workshop. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25, e46873. doi: 10.2196/46873 (Altmetric score 4) (Google Scholar 1 citation) - Full text

Bell L, Garnett C, Y Bao, Z Cheng, Qian T, Perski O, Potts HWW, Williamson E (2023). How notifications affect engagement with a behaviour change app: Results from a micro-randomized trial. JMIR mHealth uHealth, 11, e38342. doi: 10.2196/38342 (Altmetric score 7) (Google Scholar 14 citations) (2022 journal impact factor 4.9) - Full text

Njoku C, Hofer SA, Sathyamoorthy G, Patel N, Potts HWW (2023). The role of accelerator programmes in supporting the adoption of digital health technologies: A qualitative study of the perspectives of small and medium-sized enterprises. Digital Health, 9. doi: 10.1177/20552076231173303 (Altmetric score 5) (2022 journal impact factor 4.7) (Google Scholar 9 citations) - Full text

Smith LE, West R, Potts HWW, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Rubin GJ, Michie S (2023). Knowledge of self-isolation rules in the UK for those who have symptoms of Covid-19: A repeated cross-sectional survey study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), 1952. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20031952 (Altmetric score 7) (Google Scholar 5 citations + 1 citation for preprint) (2021 journal impact factor 4.6) - Full text

Smith LE, Potts HWW, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Michie S, Rubin GJ (2022). How has the emergence of the Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern influenced worry, perceived risk and behaviour in the UK? A series of cross-sectional surveys. BMJ Open, 12, e061203. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-061203 (Altmetric score 7) (Google Scholar 9 citations) (2021 journal impact factor 3.0) - Full text

Ramasawmy M, Poole L, Thorlu-Bangura Z, Chauhan A, Murali M, Jagpal P, Bijral M, Prashar J, G-Medhin A, Murray E, Stevenson F, Blandford A, Potts HWW, Khunti K, Hanif W, Gill P, Sajid M, Patel K, Sood H, Bhala N, Ullah A, Modha S, Mistry M, Patel V, Ali SN, Ala A, Banerjee A (2022). Frameworks for implementation, uptake, and use of cardiometabolic disease–related digital health interventions in ethnic minority populations: Scoping review. JMIR Cardio, 6(2), e37360. doi: 10.2196/37360 (Altmetric score 14) (Google Scholar 13 citations) - Full text

Smith LE, Potts HWW, Amlot R, Fear NT, Michie S, Rubin GJ (2022). Intention to adhere to test, trace, and isolate during the COVID-19 pandemic (the COVID-19 Rapid Survey of Adherence to Interventions and Responses study). British Journal of Health Psychology, 27(3), 1100-18. doi: 10.1111/bjhp.12576 (Altmetric score 17) (Google Scholar 18 citations) (2021 journal impact factor 8.1) - Full text

Smith LE, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Michie S, Rubin GJ, Potts HWW (2022). Psychological wellbeing in the English population during the COVID-19 pandemic: A series of cross-sectional surveys. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 153, 254-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2022.06.040 (media coverage) (Google Scholar 12 citations + 1 citation for preprint) (Altmetric score 54) (2021 journal impact factor 5.3) - Full text

Smith LE, Potts HWW, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Michie S, Rubin GJ (2022). Patterns of social mixing in England changed in line with restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic (September 2020 to April 2022). Scientific Reports, 12, art. no. 10436. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-14431-3 (Google Scholar 10 citations) (Altmetric score 60) (2021 journal impact factor 5.0) - Full text

Rubin GJ, Smith LE, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Potts H, Michie S (2022). Do people with symptoms of an infectious illness follow advice to stay at home? Evidence from a series of cross-sectional surveys about presenteeism in the UK. BMJ Open, 12, e060511. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-060511 (Google Scholar 2 citations) (Altmetric score 18) (2021 journal impact factor 3.0) - Full text

Hall CE, Milward J, Spoiala C, Bhogal JK, Weston D, Potts HWW, Caulfield T, Toolan M, Kanga K, El-Sheikha S, Fong K, Greenberg N (2022). The mental health of staff working on Intensive Care Units over the COVID-19 winter surge of 2020 in England: A cross sectional survey. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 128(6), 971-9. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2022.03.016 (Altmetric score 209) (Google Scholar 48 citations) (2021 journal impact factor 11.7) - Full text

Lally P, Miller N, Roberts A, Beeken RJ, Greenfield DM, Potts HWW, Counsell N, Latimer N, Thomas C, Smith L, Gath J, Kennedy F, Martin C, Wyld L, Fisher A (2022). An app with brief behavioural support to promote physical activity after a cancer diagnosis (APPROACH): Study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 8, 74. doi: 10.1186/s40814-022-01028-w (Altmetric score 15) (Google Scholar 6 citations) - Full text

Smith LE, Potts HWW, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Michie S, Rubin GJ (2022). Engagement with protective behaviours in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic: A series of cross-sectional surveys (the COVID-19 rapid survey of adherence to interventions and responses [CORSAIR] study). BMC Public Health, 22, 475. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-12777-x (Altmetric score 12) (Google Scholar 24 citations) (2021 journal impact factor 4.1) - Full text
Correction: Smith LE, Potts HWW, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Michie S, Rubin GJ (2022). Correction: Engagement with protective behaviours in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic: A series of cross-sectional surveys (the COVID-19 rapid survey of adherence to interventions and responses [CORSAIR] study). BMC Public Health, 22, 1163. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-13472-7 - Full text
Smith LE, Potts HWW, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Michie S, Rubin GJ (2022). Who is engaging with lateral flow testing for COVID-19 in the UK? The COVID-19 Rapid Survey of Adherence to Interventions and Responses (CORSAIR) study. BMJ Open, 12, e058060. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058060 (Altmetric score 190) (coverage) (Google Scholar 27 citations) (2021 journal impact factor 3.0) - Full text
Correction: Smith LE, Potts HWW, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Michie S, Rubin GJ (2022). Correction: Who is engaging with lateral flow testing for COVID-19 in the UK? The COVID-19 Rapid Survey of Adherence to Interventions and Responses (CORSAIR) study. BMJ Open, 12, e058060corr1. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058060corr1 - Full text
Smith LE, Potts HWW, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Michie S, Rubin GJ (2022). Tiered restrictions for COVID-19 in England: Knowledge, motivation, and self-reported behaviour. Public Health, 204, 33-39. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2021.12.016 (Altmetric score 10) (Google Scholar 18 citations) (2021 journal impact factor 5.0) - Full text
Correction: Smith LE, Potts HWW, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Michie S, Rubin GJ (2022). Corrigendum to 'Tiered restrictions for COVID-19 in England: Knowledge, motivation, and self-reported behaviour' [Public Health 204 (2022) 33–39]. Public Health, 209, 1-3. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2022.05.014 - Full text
Smith LE, Potts HWW, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Michie S, Rubin GJ (2022). Worry and behaviour at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak: results from three UK surveys (the COVID-19 Rapid Survey of Adherence to Interventions and Responses [CORSAIR] study). Preventive Medicine Reports, 25, art. no. 101686. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2021.101686 (Google Scholar 24 citations) (2021 journal impact factor 2.8) - Full text

Cresswell K, Sheikh A, Dean Franklin B, Hinder S, Nguyen HT, Krasuska M, Lane W, Mozaffar H, Mason K, Eason S, Potts HWW, Williams R (2022). Benefits realization management in the context of a national digital transformation initiative in English provider organizations. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 29(3), 536-45. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocab283 (2021 journal impact factor 7.9) (Google Scholar 6 citations) - Full text

Smith LE, Potts HWW, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Michie S, Rubin GJ (2022). Holding a stigmatizing attitude at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak: A cross-sectional survey. British Journal of Health Psychology, 27(2), 588-604. doi: 10.1111/bjhp.12564 (In the top 10 most-cited papers published in the journal in 2022; Altmetric score 6) (Google Scholar 20 citations) (2021 journal impact factor 8.1) - Full text

Krasuska M, Williams R, Sheikh A, Franklin B, Hinder S, TheNguyen H, Lane W, Mozaffar H, Mason K, Eason S, Potts H, Cresswell K (2021). Driving digital health transformation in hospitals: A formative qualitative evaluation of the English Global Digital Exemplar programme. BMJ Health & Care Informatics, 28, e100429. doi: 10.1136/bmjhci-2021-100429 (Altmetric score 9) (Google Scholar 12 citations) - Full text

Farič N, Potts HWW, Rowe S, Beaty T, Hon A, Fisher A (2021). Running app "Zombies, Run!" users' engagement with physical activity: A qualitative study. Games for Health Journal, 10(6), 420-9. doi: 10.1089/g4h.2021.0060 (Altmetric score 9) (Google Scholar 19 citations) (2021 journal impact factor 4.1) - Full text (subscription required); ResearchGate

Bender JL, Babinski S, Wong G, Tricco AC, Englesakis M, Cyr AB, Potts H, Perski O, Esplen MJ, Young C, Wassersug R, Forster V, Papadakos J, Soobiah C, Fox C, Gothard-Huang A, Witteman H (2021). Establishing best practices in cancer online support groups: Protocol for a realist review. BMJ Open, 11, e053916. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-053916 (Altmetric score 17) (Google Scholar 21 citations) (2021 journal impact factor 3.0) - Full text

Karpathakis K, Libow G, Potts HWW, Dixon S, Greaves F, Murray E (2021). An evaluation service for digital public health interventions: User-centered design approach. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(9), e28356. doi: 10.2196/28356 (Altmetric score 24) (Google Scholar 27 citations) (2021 journal impact factor 7.1) - Full text

Cresswell K, Sheikh A, Franklin BD, Krasuska M, Nguyen H, Hinder S, Lane W, Mozaffar H, Mason K, Eason S, Potts HW, Williams R (2021). Interorganizational knowledge sharing to establish digital health learning ecosystems: Qualitative evaluation of a national digital health transformation program in England. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(8), e23372. doi: 10.2196/23372 (Altmetric score 5) (Google Scholar 25 citations) (2021 journal impact factor 7.1) - Full text

Medisauskaite A, Potts H, Gishen F, Alexander K, Sarker S-J, Griffin A (2021). Cross-sectional exploration of the impact of the Dr Bawa-Garba case on doctors' professional behaviours and attitudes towards the regulator. BMJ Open, 11, e045395. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045395 (Altmetric score 10) (Google Scholar 1 citation) (2021 journal impact factor 3.0) (coverage) - Full text

Hinder S, Cresswell K, Sheikh A, Franklin BD, Krasuska M, Nguyen HT, Lane W, Mozaffar H, Mason K, Eason S, Potts HWW, Williams R (2021). Promoting inter-organisational knowledge sharing: A qualitative evaluation of England's Global Digital Exemplar and Fast Follower Programme. PLOS One, 16(8), e0255220. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255220 (Altmetric score 2) (Google Scholar 5 citations) (2021 journal impact factor 3.8) - Full text

Michie S, Potts HWW, West R, Amlȏt R, Smith LE, Fear NT, Rubin GJ (2021). Factors associated with non-essential workplace attendance during the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK in early 2021: Evidence from cross-sectional surveys. Public Health, 198, 106-13. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2021.07.002 (Altmetric score 24) (Google Scholar 4 citations; selected citations) (2021 journal impact factor 4.1) - Full text Also submitted as a paper to SAGE.

Smith LE, Potts HWW, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Michie S, Rubin GJ (2021). Do members of the public think they should use lateral flow tests (LFT) or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests when they have COVID-19-like symptoms? The COVID-19 Rapid Survey of Adherence to Interventions and Responses study. Public Health, 198, 260-2. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2021.07.023 (Altmetric score 53) (Google Scholar 12 citations) (2021 journal impact factor 4.1) - Full text

Smith LE, Potts HWW, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Michie S, Rubin GJ (2021). COVID-19 and ventilation in the home; investigating peoples' perceptions and self-reported behaviour (the COVID-19 Rapid Survey of Adherence to Interventions and Responses [CORSAIR] study). Environmental Health Insights. doi: 10.1177/11786302211015588 [Letter] (Altmetric score 17) (Google Scholar 2 citations) (2020 journal impact factor 0.6) - Full text

Prieto-Merino D, Beibano da Providencia e Costa R, Gallestey JB, Sofat R, Chung S-C, Potts H (2021). Why we are losing the war against COVID-19 on the data front and how to reverse the situation. JMIRx Med, 2(2), e20617. doi: 10.2196/20617 (Altmetric score 7) (Google Scholar 7 citations) - Full text

Smith LE, Potts HWW, Amlȏt R, Fear NT, Michie S, Rubin GJ (2021). Adherence to the test, trace and isolate system: Results from 37 nationally representative surveys. BMJ, 372, n608. doi: 10.1136/bmj.n608 (Altmetric score 544) (Google Scholar 247 citations) (coverage) (2021 journal impact factor 93.5) - Full text
The paper was published with a linked editorial (doi: 10.1136/bmj.n822). We also wrote an accompanying Opinion piece:
Potts HWW, Amlȏt R, Fear NT, Michie S, Smith LE, Rubin GJ (2021). Rapid research in a pandemic: Foresight, preparedness, and collaboration. The BMJ Opinion, 31 Mar 2021.
Williams R, Sheikh A, Franklin BD, Krasuska M, Nguyen HT, Hinder S, Lane W, Mozaffar H, Mason K, Eason S, Potts HWW, Cresswell K (2021). Using Blueprints to promote interorganizational knowledge transfer in digital health initiatives—A qualitative exploration of a national change program in English hospitals. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 28(7), 1431-9. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocab020 (Altmetric score 8) (Google Scholar 11 citations) (2021 journal impact factor 7.9) - Full text

McCarthy H, Potts HWW, Fisher A (2021). Physical activity behavior before, during, and after COVID-19 restrictions: Longitudinal smartphone-tracking study of adults in the United Kingdom. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(2), e23701. doi: 10.2196/23701 (media coverage) (Altmetric score 27) (Google Scholar 233 citations) (2021 journal impact factor 7.1) - Full text

Farič N, Smith L, Hon A, Potts HWW, Newby K, Steptoe A, Fisher A (2021). A virtual reality exergame to engage adolescents in physical activity: Mixed methods study describing the formative intervention development process. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(2), e18161. doi: 10.2196/18161 (Altmetric score 10) (Google Scholar 38 citations) (2021 journal impact factor 7.1) - Full text; Code repository

Cohen P, Mayhew J, Gishen F, Potts HWW, Lohr PA, Kavanagh J (2021). What should medical students be taught about abortion? An evaluation of student attitudes towards their abortion teaching and their future involvement in abortion care. BMC Medical Education, 21, 4. doi: 10.1186/s12909-020-02414-9 (Altmetric score 16) (Google Scholar 29 citations) (2021 journal impact factor 3.3) - Full text

Bell L, Garnett C, Qian T, Perski O, Williamson E, Potts HWW (2020). Engagement with a behavior change app for alcohol reduction: Data visualization for longitudinal observational study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(12), e23369. doi: 10.2196/23369 (Altmetric score 10) (Google Scholar 31 citations) (2020 journal impact factor 5.4) - Full text

Cresswell K, Sheikh A, Franklin BD, Krasuska M, Nguyen H, Hinder S, Lane W, Mozaffar H, Mason K, Eason S, Potts H, Williams R (2020). Formative independent evaluation of a digital change programme in the English National Health Service: Study protocol for a longitudinal qualitative study. BMJ Open, 10, e041275. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041275 (Altmetric score 7) (Google Scholar 8 citations) (2020 journal impact factor 2.7) - Full text

Krasuska M, Williams R, Sheikh A, Dean Franklin B, Heeney C, Lane W, Mozaffar H, Mason K, Eason S, Hinder S, Dunscombe R, Potts HWW, Cresswell K (2020). Technological capabilities to assess digital excellence in hospitals in high performing health care systems: International eDelphi exercise. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(8), e17022. doi: 10.2196/17022 (Altmetric score 13) (Google Scholar 47 citations) (2020 impact factor 5.4) - Full text

Waller J, Rubin GJ, Potts HWW, Mottershaw A, Marteau TM (2020). 'Immunity Passports' for SARS-CoV-2: An online experimental study of the impact of antibody test terminology on perceived risk and behaviour. BMJ Open, 10, e040448. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040448 (Preprint Altmetric score 23; paper Altmetric score 31) (Google Scholar 20 citations; policy citation) (2020 journal impact factor 2.7) - Full text

McMichael L, Farič N, Newby K, Potts HWW, Hon A, Smith L, Steptoe A, Fisher A (2020). Parents of adolescents perspectives of physical activity, gaming and virtual reality: Qualitative study. JMIR Serious Games, 8(3), e14920. doi: 10.2196/14920 (Altmetric score 11) (Google Scholar 28 citations) (2020 impact factor 4.1) - Full text

Bell L, Garnett C, Qian T, Perski O, Potts HWW, Williamson E (2020). Notifications to improve engagement with an alcohol reduction app: Protocol for a micro-randomized trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 9(8), e18690. doi: 10.2196/18690 (Altmetric score 10) (Google Scholar 26 citations) (2020 journal impact factor 0.7) - Full text; Data

Cresswell K, Sheikh A, Dean Franklin B, Krasuska M, Nguyen HT, Hinder S, Lane W, Mozaffar H, Mason K, Eason S, Potts HWW, Williams R (2020). Theoretical and methodological considerations in evaluating large-scale health information technology change programmes. BMC Health Services Research, 20, 477. doi: 10.1186/s12913-020-05355-7 (Altmetric score 12) (Google Scholar 31 citations) (2020 impact factor 2.7) - Full text

Desai R, Charlesworth GM, Brooker HJ, Potts HWW, Corbett A, Aarsland D, Ballard CG (2020). Temporal relationship between depressive symptoms and cognitive decline in mid and late life: A longitudinal cohort study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 21(8), 1108-13. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2020.01.106 (Altmetric score 7) (Google Scholar 29 citations) (2020 impact factor 4.7) - Full text (subscription required); Full text (UCL repository - free from Mar 2021)

Porter A, Badshah A, Black S, Fitzpatrick D, Harris-Mayes R, Islam S, Jones M, Kingston M, LaFlamme-Williams Y, Mason S, McNee K, Morgan H, Morrison Z, Mountain P, Potts H, Rees N, Shaw D, Siriwardena N, Snooks H, Spaight R, Williams V (2020). Electronic health records in ambulances: the ERA multiple-methods study. Health Services and Delivery Research, 8(10). doi: 10.3310/hsdr08100 (Altmetric score 22) (Google Scholar 28 citations) - Full text

Rich A, Medisauskaite A, Potts HWW, Griffin A (2020). A theory-based study of doctors' intentions to engage in professional behaviours. BMC Medical Education, 20, 44. doi: 10.1186/s12909-020-1961-8 (Altmetric score 9) (Google Scholar 34 citations) (2020 impact factor 2.5) - Full text

Stott J, Cadman T, Potts H, Scior K, Brede J, Charlesworth G (2020). Thought-feeling discrimination in people with dementia: Adaptation and preliminary validation of the first dementia-specific measure. International Psychogeriatrics, 32(1), 87-96. doi: 10.1017/S1041610219000322 (Corrigendum at doi: 10.1017/S1041610219001340) (Altmetric score 5) (Google Scholar 2 citations) (2019 journal impact factor 2.9) - Full text (journal); Full text (UCL repository)

Chalaguine LA, Hunter A, Potts HWW, Hamilton F (2019). Impact of argument type and concerns in argumentation with a chatbot. Proc. 2019 IEEE 31st International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), Portland, OR, USA, 1557-62. doi: 10.1109/ICTAI.2019.00224 (Google Scholar 29 citations) - Full text (IEEE Xplore); Full text (free UCL repository)

Farič N, Potts HWW, Hon A, Smith L, Newby K, Steptoe A, Fisher A (2019). What players of virtual reality exercise games want: Thematic analysis of web-based reviews. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(9), e13833. doi: 10.2196/13833 (Altmetric score 16) (Google Scholar 97 citations) (2019 journal impact factor 5.0) - Full text

Roberts A, Potts HWW, Stevens C, Lally P, Smith L, Fisher A (2019). Cancer specialist nurses' perspectives of physical activity promotion and the potential role of smartphone-based physical activity interventions in cancer care. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 13, 815-28. doi: 10.1007/s11764-019-00801-w (Altmetric score 29) (Google Scholar 39 citations) (2019 journal impact factor 3.3) - Full text

Cresswell K, Sheikh A, Krasuka M, Heeney C, Dean Franklin B, Lane W, Mozaffar H, Mason K, Eason S, Hinder S, Potts H, Williams R (2019). Reconceptualising the digital maturity of health systems. The Lancet Digital Health, 1(5), e200-1. doi: 10.1016/S2589-7500(19)30083-4 (Altmetric score 21) (Google Scholar 69 citations) - Full text

Salkind J, Gishen F, Drage G, Kavanagh J, Potts HWW (2019). LGBT+ health teaching within the undergraduate medical curriculum. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(13), 2305. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16132305 (Altmetric score 8) (Google Scholar 59 citations) (2019 journal impact factor 2.5) - Full text

Farič N, Yorke E, Varnes L, Newby K, Potts HWW, Smith L, Hon A, Steptoe A, Fisher A (2019). Younger adolescents' perceptions of physical activity, exergaming, and virtual reality: Qualitative intervention development study. JMIR Serious Games, 7(2), e11960. doi: 10.2196/11960 (Altmetric score 15) (Google Scholar 40 citations) (2019 journal impact factor 3.5) - Full text

Benson T, Potts HWW, Bark P, Bowman C (2019). Development and initial testing of a Health Confidence Score (HCS). BMJ Open Quality, 8, e000411. doi: 10.1136/bmjoq-2018-000411 (Altmetric score 13) (Google Scholar 52 citations) - Full text

Sinitsky DM, Fernando B, Potts H, Lykoudis P, Hamilton G, Berlingieri P (2019). Development of a structured virtual reality curriculum for laparoscopic appendicectomy. American Journal of Surgery, 219(4), 613-21. doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2019.04.020 (Altmetric score 5) (Google Scholar 20 citations) (2019 impact factor 2.1) - Full text

Benson T, Sladen J, Liles A, Potts HWW (2019). Personal Wellbeing Score (PWS)—a short version of ONS4: Development and validation in social prescribing. BMJ Open Quality, 8, e000394. doi: 10.1136/bmjoq-2018-000394 (Altmetric score 24) (Google Scholar 82 citations) - Full text

Joffe H, Potts HWW, Rossetto T, Doğulu C, Gul E, Perez-Fuentes G (2019). The Fix-it face-to-face intervention increases multihazard household preparedness cross-culturally. Nature Human Behaviour, 3, 453-61. doi: 10.1038/s41562-019-0563-0 (Altmetric score 127) (Google Scholar 50 citations) (2019 impact factor 12.3) (media coverage) - Full text (subscription required); Full text (read only); Full text (free UCL repository)

McLachlan S, Dube K, Johnson O, Buchanan D, Potts HWW, Gallagher T, Fenton N (2019). A framework for analysing learning health systems: Are we removing the most impactful barriers? Learning Health Systems, 3(4), e10189. doi: 10.1002/lrh2.10189 (Altmetric score 16) (Google Scholar 40 citations) (In the top 10 most downloaded papers in the journal, based on downloads in 12 months after publiction, among work published 2019/20) - Full text

Cieply L, Simmons R, Ijaz S, Kara E, Rodger A, Rosenberg W, McGuinness A, Mbisa JL, Ledesma J, Ohemeng-Kumi N, Dicks S, Potts H, Lattimore S, Mandal S (2019). Seroprevalence of HCV, HBV and HIV in two inner-city London Emergency Departments. Epidemiology and Infection, 147, e145. doi: 10.1017/S0950268819000360 (Altmetric score 7) (Google Scholar 20 citations) (2019 journal impact factor 2.2) - Full text

Woolf K, Jayaweera H, Unwin E, Keshwani K, Valerio C, Potts H (2019). Effect of sex on specialty training application outcomes: A longitudinal administrative data study of UK medical graduates. BMJ Open, 9, e025004. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025004 (Altmetric score 34) (Google Scholar 15 citations) (2019 journal impact factor 2.5) (4th most read in journal in Mar & Apr 2019, 3rd most read in May 2019) - Full text

Unwin E, Woolf K, Dacre J, Potts HWW (2019). Sex differences in fitness to practise test scores: A cohort study of GPs. British Journal of General Practice, 69(681), e287-93. doi: 10.3399/bjgp19X701789 (Altmetric score 23) (media coverage) (Google Scholar 3 citations) (2019 journal impact factor 4.2) - Full text

Roberts A, Potts HWW, Koutoukidis DA, Smith L, Fisher A (2019). Breast, prostate, and colorectal cancer survivors' experiences of using publicly available physical activity mobile apps: Qualitative study. JMIR mHealth & uHealth, 7(1), e10918. doi: 10.2196/10918 (Altmetric score 55) (Google Scholar 63 citations) (2019 journal impact factor 4.3) - Full text

Almutairi BA, Potts HWW, Al-Azmi SF (2018). Physicians' perceptions of electronic prescribing with electronic medical records in Kuwaiti primary healthcare centres. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, 18(4), e476-82. doi: 10.18295/squmj.2018.18.04.008 (Google Scholar 33 citations) - Full text

Almutairi BA, Potts HWW, Alajmi NH (2018). Medical dental practitioners assessments of electronic dental record in primary health care in Kuwait. Medical Journal of Cairo University, 86(3), 1083-91. (Google Scholar 1 citation) - Full text

Chalaguine LA, Hamilton FL, Hunter A, Potts HWW (2018). Argument harvesting using chatbots. In: Computational Models of Argument – Proc. of COMMA 2018, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 305, 149-60. doi: 10.3233/978-1-61499-906-5-149 (Winner of Best Student Paper) (Google Scholar 13 citations) - Full text (Proceedings); Full text (arXiv)

Cowey A, Potts HWW (2018). What can we learn from second generation digital natives? A qualitative study of undergraduates' views of digital health in a London university. Digital Health, 4. doi: 10.1177/2055207618788156 (Altmetric score 30) (Google Scholar 10 citations) (2020 journal impact factor 3.5) - Full text

McLachlan S, Potts HWW, Dube K, Buchanan D, Lean S, Gallagher T, Johnson O, Daley B, Marsh W, Fenton N (2018). The Heimdall framework for supporting characterisation of learning health systems. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics, 25(2), 77-87. doi: 10.14236/jhi.v25i2.996 (Altmetric score 15) (Google Scholar 70 citations) - Full text

Unwin E, Potts HWW, Dacre J, Elder A, Woolf K (2018). Passing MRCP (UK) PACES: A cross-sectional study examining the performance of doctors by sex and country. BMC Medical Education, 18, 70. doi: 10.1186/s12909-018-1178-2 (Altmetric score 28) (Google Scholar 15 citations) (2018 journal impact factor 1.9) - Full text

Jayaweera HK, Potts HWW, Keshwani K, Valerio C, Baker M, Mehdizadeh L, Sturrock A (2018). The GP Tests of Competence assessment: Which part best predicts fitness to practise decisions? BMC Medical Education, 18, 2. doi: 10.1186/s12909-017-1111-0 (Altmetric score 11) (Google Scholar 6 citations) (2018 journal impact factor 1.9) - Full text; full text (PDF)

Roberts AL, Fisher A, Smith L, Heinrich M, Potts HWW (2017). Digital health behaviour change interventions targeting physical activity and diet in cancer survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 11(6), 704-19. doi: 10.1007/s11764-017-0632-1 (Altmetric score 61, top 5% of all articles & previously 11th highest in journal) (Google Scholar 258 citations) (2017 journal impact factor 3.7) - Full text

Weston D, Blackburn R, Potts HWW, Hayward AC (2017). Predictors of self and parental vaccination decisions in England during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic: Analysis of the Flu Watch pandemic cohort data. Vaccine, 35(31), 3875-82. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2017.05.061 (Altmetric score 10) (Google Scholar 11 citations) (2017 journal impact factor 3.3) - Full text

Mehdizadeh L, Potts HWW, Sturrock A, Dacre J (2017). Prevalence of GMC performance assessments in the United Kingdom: A retrospective cohort analysis by country of medical qualification. BMC Medical Education, 17, 67. doi: 10.1186/s12909-017-0903-6 (Over 1,000 downloads by 19 Apr 2017; over 2,000 by 1 Feb 2018. Altmetric score 128, top 4% of all articles & 3rd highest in journal, 12 May 17) (Google Scholar 11 citations, selected citations; media coverage) (2017 journal impact factor 1.5) - Full text

Benson T, Williams D, Potts HWW (2016). Performance of EQ-5D, howRu and Oxford Hip & Knee Scores in assessing the outcome of hip and knee replacements. BMC Health Services Research, 16, 512. doi: 10.1186/s12913-016-1759-x (Over 1500 downloads by 18 Jun 2019. Altmetric score 6) (Google Scholar 34 citations) (2017 journal impact factor 1.8) - Full text

Joffe H, Perez-Fuentes G, Potts HWW, Rossetto T (2016). How to increase earthquake and home fire preparedness: the fix-it intervention. Natural Hazards, 84(3), 1943-65. doi: 10.1007/s11069-016-2528-1. (Altmetric score 14) (Google Scholar 59 citations, selected citations, 21 Mar 17) (2017 journal impact factor 1.9) - Full text

Dean JH, Potts HWW, Barker C (2016). Direction to an Internet support group compared to online expressive writing for people with depression and anxiety: A randomized trial. JMIR Mental Health, 3(2), e12. doi: 10.2196/mental.5133 (Altmetric score 27, top 5% of all articles, 22 Nov 16-9 Mar 17. 3rd top article of last month in journal, and 3rd most viewed of last month, 11-5 Jun 2016; most tweeted of last month, 8-18 Jun 2016. 12th top article of last 6 months, and 12th most viewed, plus 4th most tweeted, 19 Nov 2016) (Google Scholar 12 citations) - Full text

Han YKJ, Michie S, Potts HWW, Rubin GJ (2016). Predictors of influenza vaccine uptake during the 2009/10 influenza A H1N1v ('swine flu') pandemic: Results from five national surveys in the United Kingdom. Preventive Medicine, 84, 57-61. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2015.12.018 (Altmetric score 16) (Google Scholar 32 citations, selected citations) (journal impact factor 3.1) - Full text

Blundell R, Das R, Potts H, Scior K (2016). The association between contact and intellectual disability literacy, causal attributions and stigma. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60(3), 218-27. (Altmetric score 6) (Google Scholar 46 citations, selected citations, 16 Apr 17) (journal impact factor 1.8) - Full text

Ariza F, Kalra D, Potts HWW (2015). How do clinical information systems affect the cognitive demands of General Practitioners? Usability study with a focus on cognitive workload. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics, 22(4), 379-90. doi: 10.14236/jhi.v22i4.85 (Altmetric score 6) (Google Scholar 45 citations) (2014 SCImago journal impact factor 0.8) - Full text

Rubin GJ, Finn Y, Potts HWW, Michie S (2015). Who is sceptical about emerging public health threats? Results from 39 national surveys in the United Kingdom. Public Health, 129, 1553-62. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2015.09.004 (Altmetric score 15; was 24th among articles in journal, 9 Dec 15) (Google Scholar 21 citations, selected citations, 21 Mar 17) (2014 journal impact factor 1.4) - Full text

Unwin E, Woolf K, Wadlow C, Potts HWW, Dacre J (2015). Sex differences in medico-legal action against doctors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Medicine, 13, 172. doi: 10.1186/s12916-015-0413-5 (Highly accessed in journal. In the journal: most viewed of the past 30 days, 13 Aug-14 Sep; most viewed of the past year, 20 Aug-26 Nov 2015; 5th most viewed of all time, 14 Aug-26 Nov. Across all BioMed Central journals: most viewed of the past 30 days, 15 Aug-11 Sep; 9th most viewed of the past year, 1-6 Sep. BMC have now stopped giving stats in this form, but the paper was listed first in BMC Medicine's "2015 Top Articles" in Feb 16 and was top of their Most Accessed list, 20 Nov 2016. Had 33,326 views in first day, which made it the most viewed of the past 30 days in the journal, 3rd most viewed of the past year and 47th of all time by 14 Aug. End of day 2, up to 98,155, thus 2nd most viewed of the past year and 5th of all time in the journal by 15 Aug. This also made it the most viewed of the past 30 days and 13th most viewed of the past year across all BioMed Central journals by 15 Aug. 120,145 views by 22 Jan 2018. Altmetric score 199 (top 4% of all articles)) (Google Scholar 76 citations, selected citations; media coverage) (2014 journal impact factor 7.2) - Full text

Colligan L, Potts HWW, Finn CT, Sinkin RA (2015). Cognitive workload changes for nurses transitioning from a legacy system with paper documentation to a commercial electronic health record. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 84(7), 469-76. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2015.03.003 (Altmetric score 39; was 4th highest ever in journal, 14 Jan 2016; was top 3% of all articles, 17 Sep 15) (Google Scholar 235 citations, selected citations) (2014 journal impact factor 2.0) - Full text

Nicholls JA, Potts HWW, Coleman B, Patterson DL (2015). Legal and professional implications of shared care: A case study in oral anticoagulation stroke prevention therapy. BMC Health Services Research, 15, 93. doi: 10.1186/s12913-015-0756-9. (Highly accessed in journal; in top 90 most viewed of the past 30 days in the journal, 15 May 15. Altmetric score 6, 11 Jun 16-25 Jan 17) (Google Scholar 3 citations) (2014 journal impact factor 1.7) - Full text

Fugard AJB, Potts HWW (2015). Supporting thinking on sample sizes for thematic analyses: A quantitative tool. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 18(6), 669-84. doi: 10.1080/13645579.2015.1005453 (430 views in first fortnight. 1000 views in 37 days. Currently over 64,000 views. Most viewed article in journal of the last 12 months, Mar 2015. Most downloaded article in journal in 2016. 2nd most viewed article in journal since recording began, Apr 2018. 8th most downloaded Open Access paper of 2015 across Taylor & Francis journals. Altmetric score 83 (top 5% of all articles; highest ever in journal, 15 Nov 15-23 May 20) (Google Scholar 1450 citations, selected citations) (2014 journal impact factor 0.8) - Full text; Web app
The paper was published with three commentaries and attracted a fourth later. Our replies are published as:
Fugard AJB, Potts HWW (2015). Response to comments. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 18(6), 693-4. doi: 10.1080/13645579.2015.1005454 (Google Scholar 5 citations) - Full text
Fugard AJB, Potts HWW (2016). "Shine bright like a diamond"? A reply to Braun and Clarke. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 19(6), 745-6. doi: 10.1080/13645579.2016.1205794 (Altmetric score 5) (Google Scholar 10 citations) - Full text
Fugard AJB, Potts HWW (2016). Corrigendum. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 20(2), 237. doi: 10.1080/13645579.2016.1255418 - Full text
Farič N, Potts HWW (2014). Motivations for contributing to health-related articles on Wikipedia: An interview study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16(12), e260. doi: 10.2196/jmir.3569 (4th most viewed of the past month in the journal, 2 Jan 2015; 6th most tweeted of the past month, 27-30 Dec 2014 & 3 Jan 2015. 23rd most tweeted of the last 6 months, 16 Mar 15. 43rd most tweeted of the last year, 4-14 Sep 2015. Altmetric score 41 (top 4% of all articles)) (media coverage) (Google Scholar 39 citations, selected citations) (2014 journal impact factor 3.4) - Full text

Rubin GJ, Bakhshi S, Amlôt R, Fear N, Potts HWW, Michie S (2014). The design of a survey questionnaire to measure perceptions and behaviour during an influenza pandemic: The Flu TElephone Survey Template (FluTEST). Health Services & Delivery Research, 2(41). doi: 10.3310/hsdr02410 (Altmetric score 3) (Google Scholar 60 citations, selected citations) - Full text

Benson T, Potts HWW (2014). A short generic patient experience measure: howRwe development and validation. BMC Health Services Research, 14, 499. doi: 10.1186/s12913-014-0499-z (Highly accessed; 4th most viewed of the past 30 days in the journal, 13-9 Nov 2014; 51st most viewed of the past year, 1 Oct 2015. Altmetric score 20; Tim Benson was named as an HSJ Top Innovator 2014 for howRwe and howRu) (Google Scholar 61 citations, selected citations) (2014 journal impact factor 1.7) - Full text

Carter EM, Potts HWW (2014). Predicting length of stay from an electronic patient record system: A primary total knee replacement example. BMC Medical Informatics & Decision Making, 14, 26. doi: 10.1186/1472-6947-14-26 (Highly accessed; 4th most viewed of the past 30 days in the journal, 21 Apr & 30 Apr-4 May 2014; 16th most viewed of the past year, 19-31 Dec 14. Over 1200 views via BioMed Central in first month. Altmetric score 10) (Google Scholar 195 citations, selected citations) (2014 journal impact factor 1.8) - Full text

Potts HWW, Anderson JE, Colligan L, Leach P, Davis S, Berman J (2014). Assessing the validity of prospective hazard analysis methods: A comparison of two techniques. BMC Health Services Research, 14, 41. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-14-41 (26th most viewed of the past 30 days in the journal, 26 Feb 14; 17th most forwarded article of the past 30 days in the journal, 15 Mar 14. Altmetric score 12) (Google Scholar 106 citations, selected citations) (2014 journal impact factor 1.7) - Full text

Scior K, Bradley CE, Potts HWW, Woolf K, Williams ACdeC (2014). What predicts performance during clinical psychology training? British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 53(2), 194-212. doi: 10.1111/bjc.12035 (Altmetric score 24, was 10th highest ever in journal; top 5% of all articles on 14 Apr 15), 9 Dec 15-5 Aug 16) (Google Scholar 13 citations, selected citations as of 16 Apr 17) (2014 journal impact factor 2.3) - Full text

Benson T, Potts HWW, Whatling JM, Patterson D (2013). Comparison of howRU and EQ-5D measures of health-related quality of life in an outpatient clinic. Informatics in Primary Care, 21(1), 12-7. doi: 10.14236/jhi.v21i1.9 (Google Scholar 17 citations, selected citations) (2012 SCImago journal impact factor 0.7) - Full text

McManus IC, Dewberry C, Nicholson S, Dowell JS, Woolf K, Potts HWW (2013). Construct-level predictive validity of educational attainment and intellectual aptitude tests in medical student selection: Meta-regression of six UK longitudinal studies. BMC Medicine, 11, 243. doi: 10.1186/1741-7015-11-243 (26th most viewed article of the past 30 days in the journal, 14 Dec 2013. Over 1000 views via BioMed Central in first fortnight. Altmetric score 28) (Google Scholar 95 citations, selected citations; media coverage) (2013 journal impact factor 7.3) - Full text

Faisal S, Blandford A, Potts HWW (2013). Making sense of personal health information: Challenges for information visualization. Health Informatics Journal, 19(3), 198-217. doi: 10.1177/1460458212465213 (Altmetric score 12) (Google Scholar 102 citations, selected citations) (2013 journal impact factor 0.8) - Full text

Woolf K, McManus IC, Potts HWW, Dacre J (2013). The mediators of minority ethnic underperformance in final medical school examinations: A longitudinal study. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 83(1), 135-59. doi: 10.1111/j.2044-8279.2011.02060.x (Altmetric score 6) (Google Scholar 111 citations, selected citations) (2013 journal impact factor 2.3) - Full text (BJEP; subscription required); Full text (free UCL eprint)

Scior K, Potts HW, Furnham AF (2013). Awareness of schizophrenia and intellectual disability and stigma across ethnic groups in the UK. Psychiatry Research, 208(2), 125-30. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2012.09.059 (Altmetric score 25) (Google Scholar 51 citations; selected citations) (2013 journal impact factor 2.7) - Full text

Woolf K, Potts H, Patel S, McManus C (2012). The hidden medical school: A longitudinal study of how social networks form, and how they relate to academic performance. Medical Teacher, 34(7), 577-86. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2012.669082 (Altmetric score 22) (Google Scholar 110 citations; selected citations) (2012 journal impact factor 1.8) - Full text

Potts HWW (2011). Student experiences of creating and sharing material in online learning. Medical Teacher, 33(11), E607-14. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2011.610839 (Altmetric score 4) (Google Scholar 28 citations; selected citations) (2011 journal impact factor 1.2) - Full text

Joekes K, Noble LM, Kubacki AM, Potts HWW, Lloyd M (2011). Does the inclusion of 'professional development' teaching improve medical students' communication skills? BMC Medical Education, 11, 41. doi: 10.1186/1472-6920-11-41 (Highly accessed; 2nd most viewed article of the past 30 days in the journal, 21-27 Jul 2010. 1522 views via BioMed Central to 17 Oct 11. Altmetric score 7) (Google Scholar 54 citations; selected citations) (2011 journal impact factor 1.2) - Full text

Rubin GJ, Potts HWW, Michie S (2011). Likely uptake of swine and seasonal flu vaccines among healthcare workers. A cross-sectional analysis of UK telephone survey data. Vaccine, 29(13), 2421-8. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.01.035 (Altmetric score 7) (Google Scholar 66 citations; selected citations) (2011 journal impact factor 3.8) - Full text

Woolf K, Potts HWW, McManus IC (2011). Ethnicity and academic performance in UK trained doctors and medical students: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ, 342, d901. doi: 10.1136/bmj.d901 (Altmetric score 20) (Google Scholar 329 citations; selected citations; media coverage) (2011 journal impact factor 14.1) - Full text

Taylor P, Potts H, Wilkinson L, Given-Wilson R (2010). Impact of CAD with full field digital mammography on workflow and cost. In: Martí J, Oliver A, Freixenet J, Martí R (ed.s), Proc. 10th International Workshop on Digital Mammography, IWDM 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6136, 1-8. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-13666-5_1 (Google Scholar 1 cite) - Full text (subscription required)

Rubin GJ, Potts HWW, Michie S (2010). The impact of communications about swine flu (influenza A H1N1v) on public responses to the outbreak: Results from 36 national telephone surveys in the UK. Health Technology Assessment, 14(34), 183-266. doi: 10.3310/hta14340-03 (Altmetric score 39) (Google Scholar 574 citations; selected citations; media coverage) (2010 journal impact factor 4.2) - Full text

Greenhalgh T, Stramer K, Bratan T, Byrne E, Russell J, Potts HWW (2010). Adoption and non-adoption of a shared electronic summary record in England: A mixed-method case study. BMJ, 340, c3111. doi: 10.1136/bmj.c3111 (Altmetric score 7) (Google Scholar 355 citations; selected citations; media coverage) (2010 journal impact factor 13.5) - Full text

Williams ACdeC, Potts HWW (2010). Group membership and staff turnover affect outcomes in group CBT for persistent pain. Pain, 148(3), 481-6. doi: 10.1016/j.pain.2009.12.011 (Altmetric score 12) (Google Scholar 38 citations; selected citations) (2010 impact factor 5.4) - Full text (UCL Eprint); Full text (Pain; subscription required)

Colligan L, Anderson JE, Potts HWW, Berman J (2010). Does the process map influence the outcome of quality improvement work? A comparison of a sequential flow diagrams and a hierarchical task analysis diagram. BMC Health Services Research, 10, 7. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-10-7 (Highly accessed; equal most viewed article of the past 30 days in the journal, 6 Feb 2010. Over 700 views via BioMed Central in first fortnight and 1845 by 16 May 10) (Google Scholar 85 citations; selected citations) (2010 impact factor 1.7) - Full text

Lally P, van Jaarsveld CHM, Potts H, Wardle J (2010). How are habits formed: Modelling habit formation in the real world. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40(6), 998-1009. doi: 10.1002/ejsp.674 (Altmetric score 1775 (highest ever in the journal, top 1% of all articles)) (Google Scholar 3015 citations; selected citations; media coverage) (2008 impact factor 1.9) - Full text

Greenhalgh T, Potts HWW, Wong G, Bark P, Swinglehurst D (2009). Tensions and paradoxes in electronic patient record research: A systematic literature review using the meta-narrative method. Milbank Quarterly, 87(4), 729-88. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0009.2009.00578.x (Altmetric score 6) (promoted as a "top paper" by the journal; Google Scholar 678 citations; selected citations; media coverage) (2009 impact factor 3.9) - Full text; Full text (UCL Eprint)

Richardson J, Woolf K, Potts H, Bark P, Gill D (2009). Factors that influence first year medical students' choice of student selected component. Medical Teacher, 31(9), e418-24. (Google Scholar 14 citations; selected citations) (2009 impact factor 1.3) - Full text

Slater R, Cantarella A, Yoxen J, Patten D, Potts H, Meek J, Fitzgerald M (2009). Latency to facial expression change following noxious stimulation in infants is dependent on postmenstrual age. Pain, 146(1-2), 177-82. doi: 10.1016/j.pain.2009.07.022 (Google Scholar 60 citations; selected citations) (2009 impact factor 5.4) - Full text

Dacre J, Potts HWW, Sales D, Spencer H, Sturrock A (2009). The development of a new method of knowledge assessment: Tailoring a test to a doctor's area of practice. Academic Medicine, 84(8), 1003-7. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181ace774 (Google Scholar 8 citations; selected citation) (2009 impact factor 2.3) - Full text

Curran C, Williams ACdeC, Potts HWW (2009). Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for persistent pain: Does adherence after treatment affect short-term outcome? European Journal of Pain, 13, 178-88. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpain.2008.06.009 (Altmetric score 6) (Google Scholar 45 citations; selected citations) (2009 impact factor 3.4) - Full text

Martin CJ, Taylor P, Potts HWW (2008). Construction of a comprehensive odds model of cardiovascular and coronary heart disease using published information: The Cardiovascular Health Improvement Model (CHIME). BMC Medical Informatics & Decision Making, 8, 49. doi: 10.1186/1472-6947-8-49 (Featured article; highly accessed; most viewed article of the past 30 days in the journal, 9-16 Dec 08; 2nd most viewed article of the past 30 days in the journal, 23 Nov-8 Dec, 17-25 & 27 Dec 08-1 Jan 09. 2638 views via BioMed Central to 16 May 10) (Google Scholar 6 citations; selected citations) (2010 impact factor 2.2; no 2008 impact factor) - Full text

Green J, McDowall Z, Potts HWW (2008). Does Choose & Book fail to deliver the expected choice to patients? A survey of patient's experience of outpatient appointment booking. BMC Medical Informatics & Decision Making, 8, 36. doi: 10.1186/1472-6947-8-36 (Highly accessed; most viewed article of the past 30 days in the journal, 28-31 Aug 08; 2nd most viewed, 10-27 Aug & 1-12 Sep. 95th most viewed over all of BioMed Central, 31 Aug. 6th most viewed of the past year in the journal, 6 Jul-7 Aug 09. Over 700 views via BioMed Central in first fortnight and 4655 by 16 May 2010.) (media coverage; correspondence; Google Scholar 65 citatons, selected citations) (2010 impact factor 2.2; no 2008 impact factor) - Full text

Taylor P, Potts HWW (2008). Computer aids and human second reading as interventions in screening mammography: Two systematic reviews to compare effects on cancer detection and recall rate. European Journal of Cancer, 44(6), 798-807. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2008.02.016 (Altmetric score 23) (correspondence; Google Scholar 188 citations, selected citations) (2008 journal impact factor 4.5) - Full text (European Journal of Cancer; subscription required); Full text (UCL Eprint)

Cave J, Woolf K, Dacre J, Potts H, Jones A (2007). Medical student teaching in the UK: How well are newly qualified doctors prepared for their role caring for patients with cancer in hospital? British Journal of Cancer, 97(4), 472-8. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6603888 (Google Scholar 72 citations, selected citations) (2007 journal impact factor 4.6) - Full text

Newton Bishop JA, Taylor T, Potts HWW, Elliott F, Pinney E, Barrett JH, Bishop DT, Fallowfield L (2007). Sun-protective behaviors in families at increased risk of melanoma. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 127(6), 1343–50. doi: 10.1038/sj.jid.5700764 (Google Scholar 16 citations, selected citations) (2007 journal impact factor 4.8) - Full text

Taylor C, Graham J, Potts HWW, Candy J, Richards MA, Ramirez AJ (2007). Impact of hospital consultants' poor mental health on patient care. British Journal of Psychiatry, 190(3), 268-9. (Altmetric score 8) (Google Scholar 95 citations, selected citations; media coverage) (2007 journal impact factor 5.4)

Burgess CC, Potts HWW, Hamed H, Bish AM, Hunter MS, Richards MA, Ramirez AJ (2006). Why do older women delay presentation with breast cancer symptoms? Psycho-Oncology, 15(11), 962-8. doi: 10.1002/pon.1030 (Google Scholar 112 citations, selected citations; 2007 journal impact factor 2.6) - Full text

Grunfeld EA, Maher EJ, Browne S, Ward P, Young T, Vivat B, Walker G, Wilson C, Potts HW, Westcombe AM, Richards MA, Ramirez AJ (2006). Advanced breast cancer patients' perceptions of decision making for palliative chemotherapy. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 24(7), 1090-8. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2005.01.9208 (Altmetric score 5) (Google Scholar 112 citations, selected citations) (2007 journal impact factor 15.5) - Full text

Taylor C, Graham J, Potts HWW, Richards MA, Ramirez AJ (2005). Changes in mental health of UK hospital consultants since the mid-1990s. The Lancet, 366(9487), 742-4. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)67178-4 (Google Scholar 249 citations, selected citations; media coverage) (2006 journal impact factor 25.8)

Wilkinson LS, Given-Wilson R, Hall T, Potts H, Sharma AK, Smith E (2005). Increasing the diagnosis of multifocal primary breast cancer by the use of bilateral whole-breast ultrasound. Clinical Radiology, 60(5), 573-8. doi: 10.1016/j.crad.2004.10.015 (Google Scholar 80 citations; selected citations) (2006 journal impact factor 1.7) - Full text

Taylor P, Champness J, Given-Wilson R, Johnston K, Potts H (2005). Impact of computer-aided detection prompts on the sensitivity and specificity of screening mammography. Health Technology Assessment, 9(6). 72pp. (Altmetric score 6) (Google Scholar 88 citations, selected citations) (2006 journal impact factor 5.3) - Full text (HTA); Full text (UCL Eprint)

Taylor P, Champness J, Given-Wilson R, Potts H, Johnston K (2004). Assessing the impact of CAD compared to double reading by radiologists. In: Pisano E (ed.), Proc. Seventh International Workshop of Digital Mammography 2004.

Taylor P, Given-Wilson R, Champness J, Potts HWW, Johnston K (2004). Assessing the impact of CAD on the sensitivity and specificity of film readers. Clinical Radiology, 59(12), 1099-105. doi: 10.1016/j.crad.2004.04.017 (Google Scholar 22 citations, selected citations) (2005 journal impact factor 1.8)

Nammuni K, Pickering C, Modgil S, Montgomery A, Hammond P, Wyatt JC, Altman DG, Dunlop R, Potts HWW (2004). Design-a-Trial: A rule-based decision support system for clinical trial design. Knowledge-Based Systems, 17(2-4), 121-9. doi: 10.1016/j.knosys.2004.03.007 (2005 journal impact factor 0.7) Also published in: Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XI: Proceedings of AI-2003, the Twenty-third SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Bramer M, Ellis R, Macintosh AL (ed.s), Springer-Verlag, Godalming, p. 3-17. [Winner of the best refereed application paper at AI-2003.] (Google Scholar 14 citations, selected citations) - Full text

Taylor PM, Champness J, Given-Wilson RM, Potts HWW, Johnston K (2004). An evaluation of the impact of computer-based prompts on screen readers' interpretation of mammograms. British Journal of Radiology, 77, 21-7. doi: 10.1259/bjr/34203805 (Google Scholar 45 citations, selected citations) (2005 journal impact factor 1.4)

Hutton TJ, Buxton BF, Hammond P, Potts HWW (2003). Estimating average growth trajectories in shape-space using kernel smoothing. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 22(6), 747-53. (Google Scholar 176 citations, selected citations) (2004 journal impact factor 3.9) - Full text

Taylor CG, Champness J, Reddy M, Taylor P, Potts HWW, Given-Wilson R (2003). Reproducibility of prompts in computer-aided detection (CAD) of breast cancer. Clinical Radiology, 58(9), 733-8. doi: 10.1016/S0009-9260(03)00231-9 (Google Scholar 30 citations, selected citations) (2004 journal impact factor 1.5)

Taylor P, Champness J, Potts HWE [sic], Given-Wilson RM, Johnston, K (2003). An evaluation of CAD for mammography in the context of a multiprofessional screening service. International Congress Series, 1256, 933-7 (Proceedings of CARS 2003—Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Lemke HU, Vannier MW, Inamura K, Ferman AG, Doi K, Reiber JHC (ed.s), Elsevier, Amsterdam). doi: 10.1016/S0531-5131(03)00451-5 (media coverage) - Full text

Burgess CC, Ramirez AJ, Richards MA, Potts HWW (2002). Does the method of detection of breast cancer affect subsequent psychiatric morbidity? European Journal of Cancer, 38(12), 1622-5. (Google Scholar 28 citations, selected citations) (2003 journal impact factor 3.7)

McDonald FE, Ironside JW, Gregor A, Wyatt B, Stewart M, Rye R, Adams J, Potts HWW (2002). The prognostic influence of bcl-2 in malignant glioma. British Journal of Cancer, 86, 1899-904. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6600217 (Google Scholar 48 citations, selected citations) (2003 journal impact factor 3.9)

Potts HWW, Wyatt JC (2002). Survey of doctors' experience of patients using the internet. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 4(1), e5. (Altmetric score 6, 31 Dec 16) (35th equal most cited of all time in the journal, 9 Dec 2014-2 Jan 2015) (Google Scholar 277 citations, selected citations; media coverage) (JMIR first received an impact factor in 2006 of 2.9; the editor estimated at the time that its impact factor was around 2.0) - Full text

Re-published in Topics in Internet and Health Vol. 1: Internet Usage, Computer Literacy, and Digital Divide Among Patients and Health Professionals (2005), Eysenbach G (ed.), JMIR, Toronto.

Modgil S, Hammond P, Wyatt JC, Potts H (2001). The Design-a-Trial project: Developing a knowledge-based tool for authoring clinical trial protocols. In: Computer-Based Support for Clinical Guidelines and Protocols: Proceedings of EWGLP-2000 (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 83), Heller B, Löffler H, Musen M, Stefanelli M (ed.s), IOS Press, Amsterdam, p. 71-85. [Presented at 1st European Workshop on Computer-Based Support for Clinical Guidelines and Protocols (EWGLP-2000), Leipzig, Germany, 2001.] (Google Scholar 14 citations, selected citations) - PDF

Potts H, Wyatt J, Altman D (2001). Challenges in evaluating complex decision support systems: Lessons from Design-a-Trial. In: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Quaglini S, Barahona P, Andreassen S (ed.s), Springer, Heidelberg, p. 453-6. [Presented at 8th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME'01), Cascais, Portugal, 2001.] (Google Scholar 10 citations; selected citations) - PDF; PDF (alternate version)

Leong ACK, Hanby AM, Potts HWW, Tan DSP, Skilton D, Ryder K, Harris WH, Liebmann RD, Barnes DM, Gillett CE (2000). Cell cycle proteins do not predict outcome in grade I infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast. International Journal of Cancer, 89(1), 26-31. (Google Scholar 48 citations, selected citations) (2001 journal impact factor 4.2)

Hanby AM, Kelsell DP, Potts HW, Gillett CE, Bishop DT, Spurr NK, Barnes DM (2000). Association between loss of heterozygosity of BRCA1 and BRCA2 and morphological attributes of sporadic breast cancer. International Journal of Cancer, 88(2), 204-8. (Google Scholar 40 citations, selected citations) (2001 journal impact factor 4.2)

Tan DSP, Potts HWW, Leong ACK, Gillett CE, Skilton D, Harris WH, Liebmann RD, Hanby AM (1999). The biological and prognostic significance of cell polarity and E-cadherin in grade I infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast. Journal of Pathology, 189(1), 20-7. (Google Scholar 61 citations, selected citations) (2000 journal impact factor 4.1)

Potts HWW, Wardle J (1998). The list heuristic for studying personality correlates of food choice behaviour: a review and results from two samples. Appetite, 30(1), 79-92. (Google Scholar 51 citations, selected citations) (1999 journal impact factor 1.8) - Full text

Mogg K, Bradley BP, Miller T, Potts H, Glenwright J, Kentish J (1994). Interpretation of homophones related to threat: Anxiety or response bias effects? Cognitive Therapy and Research, 18(5), 461-77. (Altmetric score 5) (Google Scholar 84 citations, selected citations) - Full text

Other outputs:
Potts HWW, Bondaronek P, Neves AL, Bolotov A, Burgess L, Shehu J, Spinelli G, Volpi E, El-Osta A (2024). A foggy minefield: Experiences of regulation among developers of AI and other medical software in the UK, survey and focus group study. medRxiv 2024.08.25.24312551. doi: 10.1101/2024.08.25.24312551 - Preprint

Yang K, Potts HWW (2024). Practical challenges for commercial enterprises in the ethics review process for digital health research: Document analysis and interview study. medRxiv 2024.01.28.24301885. doi: 10.1101/2024.01.28.24301885. - Preprint

Ramasawmy M, Black G, Ross J, Scott S, Potts H (2024). Diverse representation of illness and large language models: A scoping review. Open Science Framework. - Full text

Tunkel S, Ramasawmy M, Sunkersing D, Kolade O, Kilifin C, MacIssac R, Vail A, Fowler T, Potts H, Blandford E, Peto T (2024). An observational longitudinal study of the impact of routine asymptomatic testing for COVID-19 in NHS acute hospitals (ObLong). Open Science Framework, doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/5VD8S - Full text

Kennedy F, Miller N, Roberts A, Beeken RJ, Greenfield D, Potts HWW, Counsell N, Latimer N, Thomas C, Smith L, Gath J, Martin C, Wyld L, Fisher A, Lally P (2022). Promoting physical activity via a smartphone application in people living with breast, prostate or colorectal cancer: Study protocol for a randomised pilot trial (APPROACH). Psycho-Oncology, 31(Suppl 2), 20. doi: 10.1002/pon.5972 (part of) [Abstract of presentation at British Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference 2022, Apr 2022. Won best poster presentation.]

Smith LE, Potts HWW, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Michie S, Rubin GJ (2022). The COVID-19 Rapid Survey of Adherence to Interventions and Responses (CORSAIR) study: Errata. Open Science Framework, doi: 10.31219/ - Full text

DigitalHealth.London (2022). #EvaluateDigiHealth​: Doing evidence generation within a digital health company. Webinar,

DigitalHealth.London (2022). #EvaluateDigiHealth​: How can meaningful user research improve digital health delivery? Webinar,

Smith LE, Potts HWW, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Michie S, Rubin GJ (2021). How has the emergence of the Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern influenced worry, perceived risk, and behaviour in the UK? The COVID-19 Rapid Survey of Adherence to Interventions and Responses (CORSAIR) study. Open Science Framework, doi: 10.31219/ (Google Scholar 1 citation) - Version 2 pre-print (Version 1 full text)

Williams R, Cresswell K, GDE Evaluation Team (2021). Beginning a joint digitally enabled transformation and learning journey in the English National Health Service. Full report of the Independent Evaluation of the Global Digital Exemplar (GDE) Programme. Edinburgh: The University of Edinburgh. (coverage) - Full text; Executive summary (Edinburgh University); Executive summary (NHSX)

Potts H (2021). Designing for evaluation: A new approach for developers of digital health products. MedCity News: Guest Blog, 29 Jul 2021.

Potts H (2021). Getting better at evaluating digital health. PHEconnect blog, Public Health England, 14 Jun 2021.

DigitalHealth.London (2021). #EvaluateDigiHealth​: How can companies be better supported in digital health evaluation? Webinar,

Potts H, Death F, Bondaronek P, Gomes M, Raftery J, Public Health England, UK Health Security Agency (2021). Evaluating digital health products. GOV.UK collection, 16 Oct 2021. (Google Scholar 1 citation)

Also... Potts H, Death F, Bondaronek P, Gomes M, Raftery J, Public Health England (2021). Evaluating digital health products. GOV.UK collection, 2021. (Google Scholar 1 citation)

Potts H, Death F, Bondaronek P, Gomes M, Raftery J, Public Health England (2020). Evaluating digital health products (public beta). GOV.UK collection, 22 Dec 2020. (coverage) (Google Scholar 1 citation)

Potts H, Death F, Bondaronek P, Public Health England (2020). Evaluating digital health products (public beta). GOV.UK collection, 30 January 2020. (Google Scholar 4 citations)

Potts H, Death F, Garattini C, Gomes M, Raftery J, Bondaronek P (2020). Rapid evaluation of digital health products during the COVID-19 pandemic. GOV.UK collection. (Google Scholar 2 citations)

DigitalHealth.London (2021). #EvaluateDigiHealth​ How do digital health companies navigate the evidence generation maze? Webinar,

Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies outputs (2020-1) and related. Particularly...

Potts H (2023). INQ000056538 – Rule 9 Questionnaire Response from Professor Henry Potts, Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviours (SPI-B); Ethnicity Subgroup; Scientific Advisory Group For Emergencies (SAGE), dated 10/10/2022. UK Covid-19 Inquiry (Module 2 evidence), 18 Dec 2023.

SPI-B [Mills M et al.] (2021). Behavioural considerations for maintaining or reintroducing behavioural interventions and introducing new measures in autumn 2021, 14 October 2021. Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, 22 Oct 2021.

Rubin J, Smith L, Potts H, Fear N, Amlôt R, Michie S (2021). Testing when symptomatic, and staying at home with influenza-like illness, during autumn and winter 2021, 30 September 2021. Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, 22 Oct 2021. (coverage)

Smith LE, Potts HWW, Amlôt R, Fear NT, Michie S, Rubin GJ (2020). Adherence to the test, trace and isolate system: Results from a time series of 21 nationally representative surveys in the UK, 3 September 2020. Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, 23 Oct 2020. Also available on medRxiv: Adherence to the test, trace and isolate system: Results from a time series of 21 nationally representative surveys in the UK (the COVID-19 Rapid Survey of Adherence to Interventions and Responses [CORSAIR] study). medRxiv 2020.09.15.20191957. doi: 10.1101/2020.09.15.20191957 (coverage) (Altmetric score 1431) (Google Scholar 120 citations) - Preprint [An updated version of this paper was published in the BMJ]

Ethnicity Sub-Group of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies [Kamal A, Pearce J, Uddin N, Potts H] (2020). ​Evidence summary of impacts to date of public health communications to minority ethnic groups and related challenges​, 23 September 2020. Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, 23 October 2020. (coverage) (Google Scholar 1 citation)

SPI-B (2020). The impact of financial and other targeted support on rates of self-isolation or quarantine​ - 16 September 2020. Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, 9 Oct 2020. (Google Scholar 2 citations)

SPI-B (2020). Current adherence to behavioural and social interventions in the UK: Comments from SPI-B [22 March 2020]. Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, 5 Jun 2020.

DigitalHealth.London (2020). #EvaluateDigiHealth​: Can we move beyond regulation stifling innovation? Webinar,

DigitalHealth.London (2020). #EvaluateDigiHealth​: What can different academic disciplines bring to evaluating digital health? Webinar,

DigitalHealth.London (2020). #EvaluateDigiHealth​: Can I trust digital mental health to work for me? Webinar,

DigitalHealth.London (2020). #EvaluateDigiHealth​ Generating evidence for digital health – no magic bullets. Webinar,

Williams R, Cresswell K et al. (2020). Independent Evaluation of the Global Digital Exemplar Programme, 30 month Progress Report. Edinburgh: The University of Edinburgh. - Full text

Williams R, Cresswell K et al. (2020). Independent Evaluation of the Global Digital Exemplar Programme, 2 year Progress Report. Edinburgh: The University of Edinburgh. - Full text

Williams R, Cresswell K et al. (2019). Independent Evaluation of the Global Digital Exemplar Programme, 18 month Progress Report. Edinburgh: The University of Edinburgh. - Full text

Bell L, Potts H, Williamson E (2019). Improving engagement in a health app: Considerations in designing a micro-randomised trial. Trials, 20(Suppl 1), P-17. doi: 10.1186/s13063-019-3688-6 (part of) (Altmetric score 12, for the whole DOI)

Potts HWW (2019). Obituary: Caroline Deys. BMJ, 367, l5761. doi: 10.1136/bmj.l5761 - Full text

Porter A, Black S, Dale J, Harris-Mayes R, Lawrenson R, Lyons R, Mason S, Morrison Z, Potts H, Siriwardena N, Rees N, Snooks H, Williams V (2019). Electronic records in ambulances – an observational study (ERA). Emergency Medicine Journal, 36(10), e14. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2019-999abs.32 [Abstract of presentation at 999 EMS Research Forum 2019] (Altmetric score 1) - Full text

Fugard A, Potts HWW (2019). Thematic analysis. In: Atkinson PA, Delamont S, Williams R, Cernat A (eds.), SAGE Research Methods Foundations: An Encyclopedia. SAGE. ISBN 9781526421036. doi: 10.4135/9781526421036 (Google Scholar 134 citations) - Full text

Cohen P, Mayhew J, Gishen F, Lohr P, Potts H, Kavanagh J (2019). Category – Education: Teaching on abortion at UCL Medical School: helping students to help women. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 126(S2), 38. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.3_15703 [Abstract of presentation at RCOG World Congress 2019] - Full text (Google Scholar 1 citation)

Williams V, LaFlamme-Williams Y, McNee K, Morgan H, Morrison Z, Potts HWW, Shaw D, Siriwardena N, Snook H, Spaight R, Porter A (2019). Implementation of electronic patient clinical records in ambulances in the UK: A national survey. Emergency Medicine Journal, 36(Suppl 1), e7-e8. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2019-999.18 [Abstract of presentation at 999 EMS Research Forum 2018] (Altmetric score 6) - Full text

Farič N, Potts H, Hon A, Smith L, Newby K, Steptoe A, Fisher A (2019). P19 Thematic analysis of players' reviews of virtual reality exergames. BMJ Open, 9, A21. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-QHRN.54 [Abstract of presentation at 4th Qualitative Health Research Network (QHRN) Conference] (Google Scholar 2 citations) - Full text

Williams R, Creswell K et al. (2019). First Year Report - Global Digital Exemplar Evaluation Programme. Edinburgh: The University of Edinburgh. - Full text

Porter A, Potts H, Mason S, Morgan H, Morrison Z, Rees N, Shaw D, Siriwardena N, Snooks H, Williams V (2018). The digital ambulance: Electronic patient clinical records in prehospital emergency care. BMJ Open, 8(Suppl 1), A26-7. doi: 10.1136/10.1136/bmjopen-2018-EMS.70 [Abstract of presentation at the second European Emergency Medical Services Congress (EMS2018)] (Altmetric score 4) (Google Scholar 5 citations) - Full text

Bark P, Bernard ML, Davidson C, Potts H (2018). The long-term impact of a Diabetes Self-Management Programme: Semi-structured interviews of patients' experience. Diabetic Medicine, 35(S1), 134. [Abstract of presentation at Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2018]

Barnard ML, Davidson C, Bark P, Potts HWW (2018). Improving glycaemic control and patient activation with a Diabetes Self-Management Programme. Diabetic Medicine, 35(S1), 132. [Abstract of presentation at Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2018]

McLachlan S, Dube K, Buchanan D, Lean S, Johnson O, Potts H, Gallagher T, Marsh W, Fenton N (2018). Learning health systems: The research community awareness challenge. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics, 25(1), 38-40. doi: 10.14236/jhi.v25i1.981 [Letter] (Altmetric score 7) (Google Scholar 11 citations) - Full text

Chalaguine L, Hadoux E, Hamilton F, Hayward A, Hunter A, Polberg S, Potts HWW (2018). Domain modelling in computational persuasion for behaviour change in healthcare. arXiv:1802.10054v1. (Google Scholar 9 citations) - Full text

Benjamin K, Potts HWW (2018). Digital transformation in government: Lessons for digital health? Digital Health, 3. doi: 10.1177/2055207618759168 [Editorial] (Altmetric score 42) (9th most read read in the last 6 months in the journal, 23 Oct 2019) (Google Scholar 81 citations) (2020 journal impact factor 3.5) - Full text

Porter A, Black S, Dale J, Fitzpatrick D, Harris-Mayes R, Lawrenson R, Lyons R, Mason S, Morrison Z, Mountain P, Potts H, Siriwardena N, Rees N, Snooks H, Williams V (2017). Implementing electronic records in ambulances. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 33(S1), 246. doi: 10.1017/S0266462317004305 [Abstract of presentation at HTAi, Rome, Jun 2017] - Full text

Potts HWW, Jones M, Williams V, Morrison Z, Porter A (2017). A new ERA? Researching the use of electronic patient records systems in ambulances. Ambulance Today, 14(1), 33-5. - Full text

Roberts AL, Potts HW, Smith L, Heinrich M, Fisher A (2017). Cancer survivors' experiences of using publicly available physical activity mobile apps: A qualitative analysis. Front Public Health, Proc 3rd UCL Centre for Behaviour Change Digital Health Conference 2017. doi: 10.3389/conf.FPUBH.2017.03.00016 [Abstract] - Full text

Benson T, Potts HW, Bowman C (2016). Development and validation of a short Health Confidence Score. Value in Health, 19(3), A94. doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2016.03.1742 [Abstract] (Google Scholar 4 citations) - Full text

Benson T, Potts HW, Williams D (2016). Performance of EQ-5D, howRu, and Oxford Hip and Knee Scores in assessing the outcome of hip and knee replacement. Value in Health, 19(3), A96-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2016.03.1099 [Abstract] - Full text

Woolf K, Potts H, Stott J, McManus C, Williams A, Scior K (2015). The best choice? The Psychologist, 28(9), 730-5. (Google Scholar 5 citations) - Full text

Potts HWW (2014). Who edits health-related content on Wikipedia and why? The Signpost, 10(47). - Full text

Potts H (2014). Good data, poor data, big data, small data. Significance, 11(4), 51. doi: 10.1111/j.1740-9713.2014.00772.x [Letter] - Full text

Tapuria N, Potts H, Tapuria A, Singh K, Hamdan K (2014). Oncological outcome of minimally invasive oesophagectomy in comparison to open oesophagectomy – a meta-analysis. British Journal of Surgery, 101, 32. [Abstract of presentation, Brighton, Sep 2014]

Dean J, Potts HWW, Barker C (2013). A randomised controlled trial comparing an online support group to expressive writing for depression and anxiety. Medicine 2.0'13: Social Networking and Web 2.0 Applications in Medicine and Health Presentations. [Abstract of presentation, London, Sep 2013] (Google Scholar 1 citation) - Full text
Douglass-Bonner A, Potts HWW (2013). Exergame efficacy in clinical and non-clinical populations: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine 2.0'13: Social Networking and Web 2.0 Applications in Medicine and Health Presentations. [Abstract of presentation, London, Sep 2013.] (Google Scholar 7 citations) - Full text

Farič N, Potts HWW (2013). Motivations for writing health-related articles on Wikipedia: An interview study. Medicine 2.0'13: Social Networking and Web 2.0 Applications in Medicine and Health Presentations. [Abstract of presentation, London, Sep 2013.] (Altmetric score 42) - Full text

Keane MG, Marelli L, Potts H, Berlingieri P (2013). Simulated endosopic training: How junior doctors utilise this resource. Gut, 62(S1), A44. [Abstract of presentation at British Society of Gastroenterology Annual General Meeting, June 2013.] (Google Scholar 1 citation)

Mulnier H, Barnard M, Forbes A, Aitchison W, Potts H, Noble L, Reid A (2013). Effect of a self-management programme on glycaemic control and weight in people with established Type 2 diabetes. Diabetic Medicine, 30, 131. [Abstract] (Google Scholar 10 citations, selected citation) (2012 journal impact factor 3.2)

Mifsud A, Potts H (2012). Comparing experiences within face-to-face and online support groups for persons living with HIV/AIDS. British Psychological Society Annual Conference 2012 Abstracts, 51. - Full text

Dean J, Potts H, Barker C (2012). A randomised controlled trial of online support groups for depression and anxiety. British Psychological Society Annual Conference 2012 Abstracts, 50. (Google Scholar 1 citation) - Full text

Wilson AJ, Sturrock AM, Potts H (2011). Is there a relationship between workplace-based assessments marks and OSCE/written paper marks in an undergraduate setting? Medical Education, 45(Suppl. 2), 9. [Abstract of presentation at Association for the Study of Medical Education Annual Scientific Meeting 2011, Edinburgh, Jul 2011.] - Full text; Conference abstract book

Berlingieri P, Shaw B, Kadir RA, Potts HW (2011). Training the digital generation – Perception of usefulness of virtual reality laparoscopic simulators among the fourth year medical student population. Medical Education, 45(Suppl. 2), 38-9. [Abstract of presentation at Association for the Study of Medical Education Annual Scientific Meeting 2011, Edinburgh, Jul 2011.] - Full text; Conference abstract book

Potts H, McKeown A (2011). How organisational structures stand in the way of e-health. National Health Executive, Sep/Oct 2011, 32-3. - Full text

Kalra D, Schmidt A, Potts HWW, Dupont D, Sundgren M, De Moor G, on behalf of the EHR4CR Consortium (2011). Case report from the EHR4CR project—A European survey on electronic health records systems for clinical research. iHealth Connections, 1(2), 108-13. (Google Scholar 15 citations, selected citations) - Full text

Potts H (2011). A record failure? National Health Executive, May/Jun 2011, 26-7. [interview]

Potts HWW, Keen J, Denby T, Featherstone I, Patterson D, Anderson J, Greenhalgh T, Colligan L, Bark P, Nicholls J, Shah A, Swinglehurst D, Wong G, Martin C, Blandford A (2011). Towards a better understanding of delivering e-health systems: A systematic review using the meta-narrative method and two case studies. Final report, NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation programme. (Google Scholar 19 citations; selected citations) - Full text; Executive summary & further information

Potts HWW, Rubin GJ, Michie S (2010). The effect of media reporting on public worry during the swine flu outbreak. Proc. UK Society for Behavioural Medicine 6th Annual Scientific Meeting, 27. [Abstract of presentation at the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine 6th Annual Scientific Meeting, Leeds, UK, Dec 2010. Selected as one of two prize-winning abstracts.] - Full text

Michie S, Rubin J, Potts H (2010). The role of media reporting in determining public worry during the swine flu outbreak. Psychology and Health, 25(S1), 122-3. [Abstract of presentation at the 24th European Health Psychology Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Sep 2010.] (2000 journal impact factor 1.7) - Full text (subscription required)

Greenhalgh T, Stramer K, Bratan T, Byrne E, Russell J, Hinder S, Potts H (2010). The devil's in the detail: Final report of the independent evaluation of the Summary Care Record and HealthSpace programmes. London: University College London. (Google Scholar 130 citations; media coverage) - Full text; Executive summary

Potts HWW (2010), edited. UKHIT Special Issue: Computers and the Internet: Innovative approaches to improving psychological wellbeing. UK Health Informatics Today, #59. - Full text

Including... Potts HWW (2010). Guest editorial. UK Health Informatics Today, #59, 2.

Potts HWW, Zadok G (2010). Endpiece: From computer to mobile. UK Health Informatics Today, #59, 7.

Taylor P, Wilson S, Potts H, Wilkinson L, Khoo L, Given-Wilson R (2009). Evaluation of CAD with Full Field Digital Mammography in the NHS Breast Screening Programme. NHSBSP Equipment Report 0910. NHS Cancer Screening Programmes, Sheffield. - Full text

McKeown A, Potts H (2009). Realist literature review of computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT) for prevention and early intervention in anxiety and depression. In: Kramer J, Man J-G, Wammes A (ed.s), First International E-Mental Health Summit 2009 Abstract Book, 81. Trimbos Institute/University of Amsterdam/IRSII/VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam.

McKeown A, Potts H (2009). Real world case studies of a preventative computerised cognitive behavioural (cCBT) package being used to support employees within large UK organisations. In: Kramer J, Man J-G, Wammes A (ed.s), First International E-Mental Health Summit 2009 Abstract Book, 183. Trimbos Institute/University of Amsterdam/IRSII/VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam.

McKeown A, Potts HWW (2009). Computerised cognitive-behavioural therapy for prevention and early intervention in anxiety and depression: A case study of Xanthis. Medicine 2.0: Social Networking and Web 2.0 Applications in Medicine and Health Presentations. [Abstract of presentation, Toronto, Sep 2009.] (Google Scholar 2 citations) - Full text; All abstracts

Woolf K, McManus IC, Potts HWW, Dacre J (2009). Ethnic differences on psychological and demographic factors – can they explain the academic underperformance of medical students from ethnic minorities? Educación Médica, 12(Supl 2), S175. [Abstract of presentation at AMEE 2009 (Association for Medical Education in Europe), Málaga, Aug/Sep 2009.] (cited twice as of 25 Oct 10) - Full abstract book

Pearson M, Potts H, Wong G, Sheaff R (2009). Synthesising and utilising complex evidence to inform policy in education and health. Better Evidence for a Better World: Conference abstracts. The Ninth Annual Colloquium of the Campbell Collaboration, Oslo, Norway, 31-2. [Abstract of joint session, May 2009.] - Abstract; Full abstract book

Including... Potts HWW, Greenhalgh T, Bark P, Swinglehurst D, Wong G (2009). A meta-narrative review of electronic patient records. Presentation for the 2009 International Campbell Collaboration (C2) Colloquium, Oslo, Norway, May 2009. Full text

Potts HWW (2009). Review of Lazy Virtues: Teaching Writing in the Age of Wikipedia. The Wikipedia Signpost, 5(17). - Full text

Taylor P, Potts HWW (2009). Modeling the impact of computer aided detection and double reading of screening mammograms on breast cancer detection and mortality. Medical Decision Making, 29(1), E93. doi: 10.1177/0272989X0902900102012 [Abstract of presentation accepted for the 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Oct 2008.] - Abstract; PDF

Potts H, Greenhalgh T, Bark P, Swinglehurst D, Wong G, Macfarlane F (2008). A systematic review of electronic patient records using the meta-narrative approach: Empirical findings and methodological challenges. Society for Social Studies of Science/European Association for the Study of Science and Technology Rotterdam 2008 Book of Abstracts, 556-7. [Abstract of presentation at 4S/EASST 2008, Rotterdam, Aug 2008.] - Full text; UCL e-print with conference presentation

Taylor P, Potts HWW (2008). Two systematic reviews to compare effects of double reading and computer-aided detection on both cancer detection and recall rate. Breast Cancer Research, 10(Suppl 3), P20 (S6-S7). doi: 10.1186/bcr2018 [Abstract of presentation at Symposium Mammographicum 2008, Lille, Jul 2008.] (2007 journal impact factor 4.4) - Full text

Wilkinson L, Taylor P, Potts H (2008). Assessing mammography film-reader performance. Breast Cancer Research, 10(Suppl 3), P79 (S7). doi: 10.1186/bcr2077 [Abstract of presentation at Symposium Mammographicum 2008, Lille, Jul 2008.] (2007 journal impact factor 4.4) - Full text

Lally P, van Jaarsveld C, Potts H, Wardle J (2008). Can we model the habit formation process? Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 35(Suppl. 1), S212. [Abstract.] (Google Scholar 2 cites) - Full text (subscription required)

Prison Health Team (2006). A Twelve Month Study of Prison Healthcare Escorts and Bedwatches. Department of Health—Prison Health, London. - Full text

Potts HWW (2006). Is e-health progressing faster than e-health researchers? Journal of Medical Internet Research, 8(3), e24. [Editorial.] (Google Scholar 47 citations, selected citations; media coverage; third most viewed article on the journal, Oct 2006, with 1406 views) (2006 journal impact factor 2.9) - Full text

Translated into Spanish and re-published as Potts HWW (2008). ¿Progresa la eSalud más rápido que sus propios investigadores?, 4(15). (Google Scholar 3 citations) - Full text

Prison Health Team (2006). Prison Health Escorts and Bedwatches Audit Interim Report No. 2. Department of Health—Prison Health, London. - Full text (PDF)

Grunfeld EA, Ramirez AJ, Maher EJ, Ward P, Young T, Wilson C, Potts HW, Richards MA (2005). Decision-making for palliative chemotherapy: Perceptions of patients with advanced breast cancer. Psyco-Oncology, 14(1), S23-4. [Abstract.] (2008 journal impact factor 3.2)

Potts H (2005). Latin squares and Su doku. Significance, 2(4), 187. [Letter.] - Full text

Prison Health Team (2005). Prison Health Escorts and Bedwatches Audit Interim Report No. 1. Department of Health—Prison Health, London. - Full text (PDF)

Graham J, Manley CJ, Potts HWW, Richards MA, Ramirez AJ (2005). The mental health of hospital consultants: Understanding the risk factors. Proc. British Psychological Society, 13(1), 80. [Abstract of presentation at British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Sep 2004.] - PDF

Burgess CC, Ramirez AJ, Potts HWW, Richards MA, Bish AM, Hunter MS (2005). What are the factors associated with delayed help-seeking with breast cancer symptoms among older women? Proc. British Psychological Society, 13(1), 76. [Abstract of presentation at British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Sep 2004.] - PDF

Potts HWW (2005). Online support groups: An overlooked resource for patients. He@lth Information on the Internet, 44, 6-8. (Google Scholar 49 citations, selected citations) - Full text (PDF)

Wilkinson LS, Given-Wilson R, Hall T, Potts H, Sharma AK, Smith E (2004). The use of bilateral whole breast ultrasound to identify multifocal disease in newly diagnosed breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research, 6(Suppl 1), S7. doi: 10.1186/bcr836 [Abstract of presentation at Symposium Mammographicum, 2004.] (2003 journal impact factor 2.9)

Design-a-Trial v4.0 (2003-4), InferMed Limited, London. [Software developed by InferMed Ltd., Nammuni K, Pickering C, Modgil S, Potts H, Wyatt J, Hammond P, Altman D et al.]

Potts HWW, Ramirez AJ (2003). Who benefits from using internet support groups for those affected by cancer? Psycho-Oncology, 12, 641-2. [Abstract of presentation at British Psychosocial Oncology Society Annual Conference, 2003.] (2003 journal impact factor 1.9) - Conference presentation (PowerPoint)

Wilkins DK, Marx GM, Potts HW, Ellis PA, Prendiville J, Miles DW, Harper PG (2003). Knowledge and communication barriers in oncology outpatients. Proceedings of the American Society of Clinical Oncologists, 22, 548. - Full text

Williams ERL, Potts HWW, Richards MA, Ramirez AJ (2003). Understanding and improving the health-related quality of life of men with cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 12, 639. [Abstract of presentation at British Psychosocial Oncology Society Annual Conference, 2003.] (2003 journal impact factor 1.9)

Graham J, Potts HWW, Ramirez AJ (2002). Stress and burnout in doctors. Lancet, 360, 1975-6. [Letter] (Google Scholar 92 citations, selected citations) (2003 journal impact factor 18.3)

Williams ERL, Ramirez AJ, Richards MA, Potts HWW (2002). Are men missing from cancer information and support services? Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 52(5), 387-8. [Abstract of presentation at 24th European Conference on Psychosomatics Research, 2002. (The abstract is repeated with a misspelt title on p. 384.)] (2003 journal impact factor 2.0)

McDonald FE, Ironside JW, Gregor A, Wyatt E, Stewart M, Rye R, Hadley J, Potts HWW (2001). Prognostic influence of bcl-2 in malignant glioma: A multivariate analysis. British Journal of Cancer, 85(Suppl. 1), 81. [Abstract] (2003 journal impact factor 3.9)

Burgess CC, Ramirez AJ, Richards MA, Potts HWW (2001). Does the method of detection of breast cancer affect subsequent psychiatric morbidity? Psycho-Oncology, 10, 269. [Abstract of presentation at British Psychosocial Oncology Society Annual Conference, 2001.] (2003 journal impact factor 2.0)

Potts HWW, Wyatt J, Modgil S, Hammond P, Altman D, Pantin C (1999). Design-a-Trial: A knowledge-based system to support clinical trial designers. ISCB-GMDS-99 Abstract Volume, 339. [Abstract of presentation at ISCB-GMDS-99, Heidelberg, 1999.] - PDF

Tan DSP, Potts HWW, Leong ACK, Gillett CE, Skilton D, Harris WH, Liebmann RD, Hanby AM (1999). Grade I infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast: Tumour cell polarity and E-cadherin expression. Journal of Pathology, 187, 24A. [Abstract.] (2000 journal impact factor 4.1)

Potts HWW (1995). Proximal strategies in the rejection of meat by vegetarians: a pilot study. Appetite, 24, 196. [Abstract of presentation at Food Choice Conference 3 (FCC 3)/Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (2nd Independent Meeting), 1994.] (Google Scholar 1 citation) (1997 journal impact factor 1.1) - Abstract

Potts HWW (1993). A suggested ethological explanation for Sullivan & Birch (1980). Appetite, 21, 199. [Abstract of presentation at 11th International Conference on the Physiology of Food and Fluid Intake (ICPFFI 11), 1993.] (1997 journal impact factor 1.1) - Abstract

CORSAIR reports:
The CORSAIR project has produced several papers, detailed above, but we have also released the reports we did for the Department of Health and Social Care, SAGE and others during the COVID-19 pandemic

Smith LE, Amlôt R, Potts HWW, Fear NT, Michie S, Rubin GJ (2020). Worry, behaviour and stigma following UK Government communications during the COVID-19 outbreak: results from three UK surveys. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 24 February 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Worry, recommended behaviours and stigma. Wave 4 – 17th to 20th February 2020. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 26 February 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Vulnerable populations. Wave 6 – 2nd to 5th March 2020. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 9 March 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Key information sources, by wave. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 17 March 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Hand hygiene behaviours – impact of handwashing campaign. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 17 March 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Vulnerable populations. Wave 7 – 9th to 11th March 2020. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 17 March 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Symptom knowledge and intentions when ill. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 18 March 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Self-reported adherence to social distancing measures. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 3 April 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Self-reported adherence to self-isolation. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 7 April 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Handwashing behaviours. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 9 April 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Symptom identification and associated factors. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 9 April 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Changes in behaviour if you think you have ever had coronavirus or have had it confirmed by a test. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 14 April 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Keeping well physically and psychological wellbeing during the Government "lockdown", and impact on adherence to social distancing measures. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 20 April 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Potts HWW, Fear NT, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Psychological wellbeing and self-reported general health. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 7 May 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Self-reported adherence to self-isolation and social distancing measures. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 11 May 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Personal protective behaviours in NHS workers. Report for NHS England, 14 May 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Symptom prevalence. Report for SPI-B, 22 May 2020. - Full text

Potts HWW, Smith LE, Fear NT, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Ethnicity, COVID-19-related behaviours, attitudes and outcomes. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 4 June 2020. - Full text

Potts HWW, Smith LE, Fear NT, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Public perceptions of a COVID-19 tracking app. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 8 June 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Factors associated with uptake of the Test, Trace and Isolate (TTI) system. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 12 June 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Physical distancing and related behaviours: changes over time. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 16 June 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Public perceptions of a COVID-19 tracking app. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 13 July 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Factors associated with requesting an antigen test and self-isolating after developing symptoms of coronavirus. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 14 July 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Socialising indoors and outdoors. Report for NERVTAG, 20 October 2020. - Full text

Potts HWW, Smith LE, Fear NT, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Use of the NHS COVID-19 App. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 2 November 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Clusters of behaviours and adherence. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 5 November 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2020). Ventilation. Report for SPI-B and EMG, 25 November 2020. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ, Potts HWW (2020). Clusters of self-reported behaviours and adherence in those who had COVID-19 symptoms. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 4 December 2020. - Full text

Potts HWW, Smith LE, Fear NT, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2021). Factors associated with vaccine hesitancy. Report for SPI-B, 10 March 2021. - Full text

Meyer C, Antonopoulou V, Potts HWW, Smith LE, Fear NT, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2021). Impact of vaccination on adherence to rules and guidance about personal protective behaviours (PPBs) and social distancing. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 13 April 2021. - Full text

Antonopoulou V, Meyer C, Potts HWW, Smith LE, Fear NT, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2021). Impact of attitudes and beliefs about COVID-19 on adherence to rules and guidance about personal protective behaviours (PPBs) and social distancing. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 7 May 2021. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2021). Who is engaging with COVID-19 testing? Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 14 June 2021. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2021). Recognition of symptoms of COVID-19. Report for PHE, 14 June 2021. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2021). Graphs of validated measures [PHQ4, SWEMWS, AUDIT-C]. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 23 June 2021. - Full text

Meyer C, Antonopoulou V, Potts HWW, Smith LE, Fear NT, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2021). Impact of vaccination on adherence to rules and guidance about personal protective behaviours (PPBs) and social distancing. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 25 June 2021. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2021). Who is engaging with COVID-19 testing? The COVID-19 Rapid Survey of Adherence to Interventions and Responses [CORSAIR] study. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 28 June 2021. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2021). Changes in behaviour following 19 July 2021. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 6 August 2021. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2021). Risky social mixing. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 9 August 2021. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2021). Risky social mixing – age in bands. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 18 August 2021. - Full text

Smith LE, Potts HWW, Fear NT, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2021). Agency and risk - impact on adopting protective behaviours. Report to the Department of Health and Social Care, 5 November 2021. - Full text

Smith LE, Fear NT, Potts HWW, Michie S, Amlôt R, Rubin GJ (2021). At risk groups. Report for SPI-B Chairs, 21 December 2021. - Full text

Preprints, submitted or to be submitted articles:
Farič N, Fortmann J, Davies MB, Potts HWW. How is personalisation used in pregnancy apps: A systematic review. Submitted to JMIR mHealth and uHealth. - Preprint

Potts HWW, Dodd SR, Dillon B, Geraghty AWA, Karpathakis K, Poile V, Raftery J, Shore J, Williamson P, Murray E. Evaluation of digital health interventions: Report from a workshop. To be submtited.

Details on further publications, conference presentations, reviewing for journals, citations, acknowledgements etc. are available on a separate page. ORCID ID.



I am the Programme Director for the UCL postgraduate programme in Health Data Analytics at the UCL Institute of Health Informatics, and also teach on the programmes in Health Informatics and Health Data Science, and formerly the programme in Risk Management. I also teach on the programme in Digital Health and Entrepreneurship in the UCL Global Business School for Health. I teach or have taught on other UCL postgraduate and undergraduate courses, including undergraduates in the Psychology Department (on behaviour change and previously on research methods and statistics) and in the Medical School (on health informatics and e-learning). I also taught statistics and quantitative methods for an MSc in Transcultural Mental Healthcare at Barts and The London, Queen Mary's School of Medicine and Dentistry.

Enabling activities:

I co-chaired the Athena SWAN Self-Assessment Team (SAT) of UCL's Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care, leading to us being awarded our Silver medal in May 2014. I was then on the SAT for UCL's Institute of Health Informatics: we were awarded Silver in August 2016.

Postgraduate student unionism: At Cambridge, I was President of the Cambridge University Mah-Jongg Society for a year. At the Institute of Psychiatry, I helped form a student union (IoPSU), co-writing the constitution in the process, and was the External Liaison Officer until I left. I took part in negotiations leading to merger, as the Institute of Psychiatry, along with the United Medical and Dental School, was merging with King's College, London. With ULU, I helped encourage postgraduate student representation elsewhere in London, presenting to an education group at the Institute of Neurology and advising the Royal Postgraduate Medical School's nascent student union. At Oxford, I worked in the Oxford University Students' Union (OUSU) Graduate Committee in various roles. I was the main author of the Graduate Committee's response to the Coopers & Lybrand Report on the Governance of the University; and worked on a survey of colleges' provision of services to postgraduates. I was also active in my college's MCR.

Other interests:

Progressive rock music:

I run a set of webpages about the band Yes. This includes the much visited Where are they now? (which has averaged over 750 unique visitors per day) and carrying out interviews. I also contribute to some related on-line newsletters (Notes from the Edge, Armada, What's Rattlin') and Web pages (e.g. Musart on-line conversations). Off-line, I have assisted with an article on Yes in the French magazine Big Bang (issue 25) and books on the band Asia and Yes. I have co-presented a couple of YouTube videos on Yes and appeared on the Yes Music Podcast.


Along with an academic interest in "Web 2.0", I am also active on Wikipedia as User:Bondegezou, earning several barnstars and even being noticed by The New York Review of Books!
Last updated 12 Feb 2025

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